RPG Book

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I lay on the ground, pain coursing up each side of my body. I lifted my head slightly, to see that I was all alone, surrounded my nothing but trees. My peircing and burning eyes narrowing on something in the distance. The red eyes, and slender frame, catching me to the point. He did this. I watched as it moved about, leaving me once again all alone. I stood to my feet, letting out a low growl at the pain and took slow steps into the forest, looking for something.

I was too weak, I needed help. My pack was gone, and I had nobody. I know exactly who had done this. It was too clear that the ghost that haunted me for years, since childhood were back. But how? What was it that they wanted this time?

*6 years ago*

I watched painfully from my room as the man I called father grabbed my mother by her hair and slammed her up against the wall. "You choose! Give me your daughter or i'll take her" He smiled deviously. What did he mean? Did he mean me? What could he want with a kid like me?

Me, being the curious and stupid child I had been, stepped out of the room, carefully holding a teddy bear in arms. "Mommy, what's going on?" I asked, in a low whisper, starring at the man with hatred filled eyes. The man chuckled, as he hit my mother against the head. I covered my eyes and let out a small shrill. "Leave her alone!" I shouted, feeling wind against my back, as if their was a tornadoe right in the house. That's how powerful it was.

I felt my body lifted off the ground. When I woke up, I was in a dark room, all I could see was glowing red eyes in every corner. I let out a weep, cautiously looking for my mother but saw no sign of her.

"Little one, you may not know it, but as you are a powerful werewolf, and I will drain every living power in your body, I will take over, I will rule, understand?" The man barked, coming face to face with me once more. His face turning into rippled and ripped up skin, his chest pumping slowly as he spoke.

I noded my head in confirmation. "Good, now run! I want a good catch" He instructed, eyes glowing twice the color red they already were. I looked around, and not a second to lose I took off into the endless trees not knowing where to go. 

*Flash back over*

Up until this day, The ghost never returned and I was grateful. I often thought about my mother, wondering if she was dead. I never saw her since that day and found myself a small pack. Ranking up to Alpha.. and just like that I lost it all.

I kept going, it felt like hours, and I was still walking. Limbs growing weaker then ever, and I collasped. I couldn't take it anymore. The pounding headache in my head. Then suddenly everything went black.

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