We've been spotted. [2]

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*Josh's P.O.V*

My heartbeat raced. Was this honestly happening? I froze. Simply staying still on top of Simon. I let the situation sink into my head, slowly but surely...i came to terms with the situation. I, Joshua Bradley, was on top of Simon Minter. THE Simon Minter. The Simon that i loved since the first day i saw him. The Simon that changed my opinion on guys. The simon that gave me butterflies with anything and everything he did.

The simon that changed my sexuality.

I hadn't even attempted to move. Nor speak. But...neither had he. A few more seconds passed. A few seconds which felt like forever. But all i could do was stare. Stare at his cheekey smile and get lost in his bright blue eyes. I felt myself leaning in. Uncontrollibly. My body taking itself forward as oppose to me having the choice. It was automatic. Like it was always going to happen. Almost like it was meant to happen.
I let out a shaky breath.
My mouth millimetres away from Simons. I closed my eyes, as did he. Our lips brushed lightly. His soft hand reaching up to caress my face and pull it needingly towards his own. This was it.


Sorry it's short! I wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger! Please vote and comment and let me know what you think! - Maisie⚽🎮

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