"Hi," Daisy said, looking back down at her phone. I raised an eyebrow. Rude much.

"Sorry, she can be... Uh, what's a good word?" mom thought for a moment, I would say bitch... But, you know I don't want to be hated right now. Nor do I want to start anything. So like I did back at the door, I kept my mouth shut.

"A brat," Daisy said smiling.

"That's the word." mom said rolling her eyes.

"You love me." Daisy said grinning, and then gave me a grin. But I didn't smile back, I knew what she was saying.

"Of course I love you," mom said giving her a hug. Now I just felt sick. Mom let go and then turned to Cole. I looked to see if I could find Andy, but he had slipped away. Where did he go? I look around and see him with his parents and that Seth guy. The twins running around. Great, thanks Andy leave me. "Now this is Cole and his girlfriend Sarah," mom said.

"Hi," I was the first one to speak this time, now Cole he was built and kind of tall. He looked like he played football.

"Uh, Hi," he said giving me a head nod, "So your Mandy's daughter?" he asked, I nodded, "She hasn't talked about you before... Until tonight when we got home from school. Saying, 'oh my daughter who haven't seen in years is coming over for dinner,'" Cole said, "So, why pop up now? Where have you've been?" he asked me, wow it was questions with this guy. I liked the twins a whole more than I do with these two.

"Cole," mom snapped at him.

"Hey, I just want to know," he said, "Come on Sarah let's go get food, and eat inside, it's hot anyways," he said grabbing his girlfriend. Did I do something wrong? Am I dressed wrong for this event? Did I say something? What did I do?

"I'm sorry about that Sway," mom said. Now I wanted to leave, maybe this was a bad idea. I didn't think about this, I just jumped right to it. Agreed to it, I didn't think. I wish I thought about it, I felt so out of place.... This isn't my family. They will never be my family. The only person who is family is my mother. But she hardly knows me anymore. She's been gone for so long, she probably forgets my favorite color.

"What's my favorite color?" I didn't even realize I had even asked the question. Mom raised an eyebrow at me.

"What?" she asked.

"What is my favorite color?" I asked her again.

"I-Uh.... Wasn't it like... Blue or something?" she asked. I sighed, and shook my head.

"No, mom it was green... You should have known that. What color did I ask you to paint my walls when I was seven?" I asked her.

"I'm guessing green..." Mom questioned.

"You shouldn't have guessed, you have known..." I told her. I didn't want to be here anymore, I wanted to leave. This was a bad idea... I knew it was. This isn't my fucking family. I could already feel myself spin.

"Sway, I'm sorry it's been so long," mom said looking down at the ground. Just then that small voice next to us spoke.

"Mom what's my favorite color?" she asked. I don't think I've ever wanted to hit someone before... But damn was I close. She needs to go back to looking at her fucking phone.

"Pink," mom answers. Now I wanted to hit mom.... I needed to get the fuck out of here.

"Love you!" she said with a grin on her face, and she looked at me, with that she stood up from the seat. Like I said, I never wanted to hit someone so hard before until now. She then lightly bumped into me. Oh, now she pushed the wrong button. Yanking her back by her shirt, I pulled her to me.

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