Where It All Began

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I Jumped Out Of My Sleep Once Again And I Scream For My Mama And My Aunt Runs In The Room Sahari Baby What's wrong? and I can't even get out the words that I wanna say all I manage to mumble out is mama we need to help her now and my aunt just hold me tight and cry with me and tells me hush and sings to me and it must have worked cause before I know it I was woken up by my alarm clock it's the first day of school and I'm in a whole new school I mean at least it's senior year and I'm a good student beauty and brains is what you need to kill them dead that's what my mama always used to say
Wait Hold up I'm so rude I'm sorry ya I forgot to introduce myself my name is Sahari Jalia Mavis And I'm 17 & I'm y average girl I would say and I lost my mom a month ago and that's why I'm out here living with my aunt in Georgia I'm a Brooklyn Girl So All This is gonna be a major adjustment
The Alarm Got Me Out My Train Of Thought And I Head In The Shower  And My Hygiene Thing And After About 20 Mins I Turn The Shower Off And Began Drying Off And Put On My Matching SpongeBob Panty And Bra Set And Luckily I Wear Uniform Now So I Don't Have To Take Hours On Deciding What to wear
I get dressed in my plaid skirt and white button down and put on my tie and pull up my knee high socks and put on my shoes and i decide on putting my hair in two buns today something simple yet cute as I say
My aunt already left for work and I see a note on the table and a envelope with 100 dollars and a set of car keys with a note that said enjoy your new baby I grabbed my phone and school and house keys and ran out the door locking it behind me and I see a Bmw 2016 sitting there and it's mines all mines
And I type in my new school Andress and I drive away and I start blasting my song and before you know it I pulled up to this huge ass school and I parked my car and got our it's like they know when you new dates all eyes was on me
And I just kept walking to the main building to get my locker and class schedule and it was another new girl there and she just happen to be from Brooklyn to so I waited behind her and got my schedule and she stopped to ask was I knew to and I said yeah we kinda clicked and she asked me for my schedule what do u know we had all the same classes
So throughout our first few classes I came to learn her name was Layla And We Have The Same Bday and we live a few houses apart anyways we talking and the finest set of twins catch our eyes and we just turn and look at Eachother and smile and head to our creative writing class and just to our luck they have the same class and we all have to work in the same group and they names are Chance And Chase
And they 18 and they play basketball and they two weeks older then me and Lay Hey What A Match
We All Decide To Head To The Mall Chase Rode With Me And Layla Rode with chance

Behind That Smile Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu