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Hello my name is Luke and this is my sis Haley. We are going in the woods to look for this legend and the world of this GHOST DOG. We have everything we need but the only thing we havent overcome our fear of it. Also our parents are coming with us just to let you know. So lets go. *narrator speaking now. So after the family of 4 set of on their adventure they get in a arguement on if its fake or not. ITS SOOO FAKE *luke SHUT THE FUCK UP. WHAP Haley had hit him. Come on lets go he says. So they finally reach a sign that says TURN BACK NOW. Luke stays there with his dad Haley and her mom go in. As Haley and her Mom are going around they hear a creaking. CREAKK. They look behind them and see a rocking chair and its moving back and fourth. They hear a chainsaw and they yell. A blood curdiling scream comes after a gut crushing sound goes of. The killer had killed haleys mom. Haley had ran outside and in the middle of 2 trees is a big root. Haley trips on it and she fell luke stuck out his hand and haley had reached but some ghost/demon had grabbed her leg and dragged her in a tool shed which the door closed and luke and his da heard a screamed followed by a get back son of a bitch and haley runs and jumps ove the root and the killer comes after luke but his dad shoots him and he falls. Haleys dad asked her wheres your mom. Haley said whst happend and their dad falls down on the ground with a knife stabbed in his back.


After theyre dad got stabbed luke took the gun and they ran nit know there was a hole wih leaves over it. And they fell in. They start screaming and something said its ok im here. They hit a ground with candy and there was a house. There house. And this was the world of the ghost dog. But they didnt know that. Up in the real world Luke and Haleys dad did not die he was only stabbed in the legLuke and Haley had thought it was in his back but it was his leg.So he walked home and luckly luke has his phone and has skype so his dad skyped him. After they got over crying Theyre dad asked where they were they had said they fell in the hole and........d.....da.......dadd.........there is mom and you down here. And like that the service cut off. Well lets see whats going on well the "parents" were ghosts with the goal to take over and kill the bodys of Luke and Haley.

How Will They Survive. How Will It End.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz