Chapter 1

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*its been years since I watched the actual episode, I In was a really young child at the time when I watched it.

The sound of rain hitting hard against the roof of the building, light sound of pitter patter againt the window as the sun was being held hostage by the angry clouds that hated the brightness. Bud and Lou lounging around, one asleep as the other just panted and went back to chewing on a dog toy. You smiled happily as you sat by a table, playing with the saftey giant lego blocks, you've become so amazed and so excited as you put the blocks together in an odd shape. Your parents left with a couple of others, knowing full well that the laughing hyenias would watch over your small form. The sound of the door beinging thrown open, caused the pets to look up, Bud and Lou quickly got up, heading in the direction. You payed no mind as Harley walked fastly in with the lovable family pets scurring and running around her legs in excitment, your mother ran around gathering her stuff. Lifting up a blue double headed block, your first instinct was to put it into your mouth which only had two or three teeth at the moment. Drool sliding down from your mouth and onto the block, suddenly you were picked up, which caused you to drop your toys.

"_______, your comin' with momma Sweetpea." She took the block from your mouth and tossed it to the floor, then you both left the building, Bud and Lou sat at the door. Tails wagging as they panted for their owner to come back in again, there was a woman waiting at a car. Her arms crossed, once you both were close enough. She smiled, Ivy slightly leaned down to your level as you continued to tightly grip the frills of db your mother's outfit.

"Aren't you a handsome young man." You stared at the red head blankly with (E/C) eyes, not understanding what she was talking about, due to you being to young to know. Harley then strapped you into the baby car seat that she brought along, Ivy got into the driver side. Once the woman was done fasten and securing, she got into the passenger seat. The car was then started and drove off, heading to where ever they were going.

At the hide out---

Joker returned back to the place he would go to keep hdden along with his goons, as soon as he walked in, the two hyenias swarmed around him. The green haired male quickly shooed them away with his foot as he let outa couple of insults along the way, Joker is pissed as anger coursed through his veins. How dare Harley leave him like that, the male looked around the hide out for his Ex-Girlfriend. Finding her no where, he was to busy being angry with Harley that he didn't notice that you were missing as well.

Harley Quinn X Male Son Reader X JokerWhere stories live. Discover now