"Please have a safe journey, Your Highness." 

"Yup. I guess you'll be lonely without me, but feel free to read any of my books that you want." 

I told you to have a safe journey, so why...! 

A voice called out to me from behind. 

"Huh? Is that my dear [Y/N]?" That voice... 

I turned around and standing behind me was Prince Roberto. 


"Hm?" We both stared at each other, blinking in bewildered shock. 

"I, uh, I... heard that you had an accident..." 

"Yeah. I was trying to save someone from falling down the stairs and instead I fell down, too!" He showed me a scrape on his arm. 

"Th... That's all?" 

"That's all..." Prince Roberto looked weary, but that was all. I jumped to my feet without thinking. 

"That's all!?" 

"Yeah..." He was looking at me blankly. The sudden relief that swamped me left me feeling stupid and angry, and the tears I'd been holding back so long tumbled over my cheeks. 

"You...! Don't make me worry like that!" He looked shocked by my reaction. 

"S-Sorry..." Then he gently wrapped his arms around me. Feeling the warmth of his whole body, I felt the tension leave me at last. Still hugging me to him, Prince Roberto said, "But... why are you here in Oriens, dear [Y/N]?" 


I sprang away from Prince Roberto and felt my face turning red. 

I can't tell him that I was just worried about him! 

"I-I just... came to visit my parents. It's been so long. And then I heard..." 

He smiled brightly at me. "Is that right?" Prince Roberto peered into my face. "Thanks." I didn't know how to face him, so I let my eyes slide away. "I just noticed the text you sent me a little while ago. Sorry I didn't reply." 

"I-I see..." Huh? What did I end up writing in that message? I can't remember... 

I saw Alberto walking across the lobby toward us. He looked a bit mystified when he saw me. 

"Miss [Y/L/N], you were in Oriens? Forgive me for my conduct over the phone and not being able to call you back." 

"N-No, that's fine..." 

"She says she's here to see her folks." 

"Is that so? Well, we have already canceled all of the prince's official duties for the day, so we would be happy to have our limousine deliver you home, if you'd like." 

"What! I couldn't possibly do that!" I just got on the first flight that was available and I haven't even told my parents that I'm here! 

"Come on, just take it. Maybe I should do a bit of sightseeing around Oriens, too..." Prince Roberto says.

"Uh... huh." I've got to call home... 

"Then shall we be going?" Alberto says. 

"Thank you for the ride..." Just as the three of us started walking away, my stomach let out a shockingly loud grumble. I clapped my hand to my stomach as if I could silence it. 

I haven't had anything to eat all day, have I? 

Prince Roberto was also holding his stomach- in laughter. 

Be My Princess: Prince RobertoWhere stories live. Discover now