The Party Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

Elsa; you know it

North: what he do freeze you to the wall attack you beat you up

Elsa: um no he tickled me

North: ohh well that's not normal he would freeze Mer and Punzie to the wall and to Flynn and Hic he would beat them up but you he tickled you

Elsa; ok so it's not normal for him to tickle people when they do that

North: nope he likes you I feel it in my belly

Elsa; ok if you say so

Jack: i'm back and is all the dye out

Elsa: yes

Jack: are you sure

Elsa: would I lie to you

Jack: idk I just met you yesterday

Elsa: well I wouldn't see * makes a ice mirror*

Jack: oh it is all gone

Elsa: anyway what time is it

North: it's 1:00

Elsa: 4 hour to get ready so I have I hour to pick the perfect outfit , 1 hour for a shower and washing hair , and I hour for hair and make up, and 1 hour to chill before the party

Jack: really 1 hour just for hair and makeup

Elsa; yes I have to look good don't I

Jack: well you look nice without make up actually beautiful * thinking out loud at the last part*

Elsa: *blush* thank you um i'm gonna go now bye * runs away *

I ran away maybe it is true that he likes me and I guess I like him to but we just met so it's just a crush right now so yeah . I got n the shower and took a long cold shower and washed my hair by the time I was done with my showers it was 2:00 . Ok so time to pick out an outfit I went to my closet and looked for a cute outfit . I put on my under garments already so I tried on some outfits and then I tried on this one outfit and it was a crop top and a black skater skirt and a jean jacket and black boots ( in the media) . Now it was time for my hair and makeup I straighten my hair then re curled it to give it a wavy curl look and then I put on pink lipstick and painted my nails white . I put on a pink flower crown and I looked in the mirror and I looked good ( in the media) . It was now 4:00 pm and I was all done getting ready so I decided to chill with the others . I walked to the globe room and the other were there when I walked in Jack was looking at me in a dreamy way . They were all ready and they looked nice and Jack looked really good so I was staring at him the same way .

Punzie: you look great

Mer: yeah and in only three hours

Elsa: was I last one or did you all just got here

Hic: we all just got here

Flynn: so you gonna sing tonight

Elsa: idk

Jack: you look gorgeous

Elsa: *blushes* thank you um you look nice to

Jack: thank you

North: so I see your all here you all look great

Everybody: thanks

North: so Tooth , Bunny , and Sandy will be here soon

Elsa: ok

Then Tooth came trough the window and Bunny came from a hole and Sandy just appeared out of nowhere . They looked the same so they didn't dress up for the party .

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