Chapter 6: ...That's it I am escaping...

Start from the beginning

When we were inside I closed the door as I let my *Mute do what she wanted but instead she just sat near me when I sat on the edge of the bed looking at the screen. Suddenly it blinked on as *Mute stood there her eyes bore into me harshly as she struggled to keep her cigarette intact at the moment. "Why...did you say all that Reachel? Alienating the nobility won't win you any favors since they do have, like, more pull than the peasants! No doubt you are the hero of the peasantry but now you have become an enemy of nearly all of the nobles on this ship?! Do you like giving me more hassle to deal with?! I mean I  love when you bother and prod the other councilors in that room but out on the ship causing a disturbance like that would only lead to possible damage to the ship itself!"  *Mute said as she stood up her gaze never leaving me. " do you think I should react to this? Plot with the others to overthrow you?! It looks like you don't have much respect for our 'status quo' that I mentioned a while back!"  She stated as I glared at her clenching my fist at my side as I looked down searching for something to say other than 'fuck you!'. 

*Mute noticed my body language as she kept her eyes on me, "don't do something you will regret Heo Reachel, Councilor of Captaincy and Councilor Chairmen to boot! You have a lot of to loose and what happens then? You go begging to some peasants to take you in? Do you forget who holds the keys to your little cage?!" She  yelled at me as Seo-yeon just sat there unable to really speak in my defense since this was her failure on her part. "N-no...NO ....I just I explained to yo-", I tried to explain how I am and she cut me off, "...No that isn't good enough! You need to come around to a bit of our ways Reachel if you wish to keep your title...there will be more elections and more appointments that could make you lose your standing! If you lose your standing well...I guess that people would be more...'willing' to do something about it.  I am warning you...stop with these ridiculous open ideas...these liberal policies! I will allow the ones you have put into motion but if you make on your threat to try to erode the standing of the nobility to push them closer to the peasantry I will make sure you go down Councilor....!" She sat down though yelled that last part before so as her image disappeared just as she sat. 

My anger was flowing hard within my heart and mind as my body was trembling. I wanted to break something, hurt somebody, do something that revolved around destroying something. My mind was racing as my *Mute was afraid to stand by me and she flinched every time I looked at her. With this meeting with the ship's *Mute concluded I walked out of the room heading to that little spot that Hye had  said that not many people go to and it was a good view. I needed to be away from everything right now I needed to clear my head from the shit that just happened. Though despite my haze I found the spot quite quickly surprising me as I sat down in the bench leaning back looking out. My hands clenching and relaxing as I worked through my anger. This fucking place! This stupid fucking place! I loved the attention it brought at first but now I am just overwhelmed with idiots and things couldn't be anymore controlled than before now. 

As I slowly calm down I put my head back and stare up at whatever my mind wanted to relax and I supposed this was helping. I know it was bad of me to run off from my *Mute like that when she wanted to help me through this while I was being threatened and yelled at by the ship's older *Mute but I couldn't take being in a house that nobody cared about me in not in that state. I need to think about a way to end this simulation...some way to escape... Those were my thoughts as my hands slowly relaxed dropping to the sides of me. I closed my eyes just sitting there in a slouched position as I just let myself drift. Though out of nowhere that made me nearly jump out of my skin a hand touched my shoulder. I expected it to be my *Mute but instead it was Hye as she sat next to me. "I heard what happened today Reachel...", She said with a sympathetic tone as I scoffed a little. 

"No doubt you heard about it! I bet ever noble that is living right now knows about it! I didn't exactly say it nicely or in support of them so if you have come to harass me on how I don't act the way I should you can go ahead and head home Hye." I lightly snapped at her thought I didn't want to but my mind felt defensive right now and my body was in a protect mode from everybody around me. "Reachel...I am the last person you need to worry about...don't you remember what I said before all of that?" She asked as I blinked taken aback for a sec as I jogged my memory. Oh yeah! She did say something along those lines before she ran off to R&D to work on her AI construct! She told me that she wanted to be like me and have some kind of wife though with somebody she loved and not arranged or something like that. Though it was odd why she would mention anything like that when nothing like that has really happened in this timeline or 'simulation'. Then again there are elders in families that push themselves on the younger generation so I assumed that is why she had that thought in her mind.    

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