One Word

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One Word

That’s all it takes

Call someone beautiful

Their all smiles

Call someone ugly


What about me?

It takes more than one word to get to me.









Then again, I’m a liar.

Each word is slapped into my mind like the girls do to my face at school. I don’t mind, more pain the merrier right?

Is that normal? To welcome pain like God welcomes us in heaven?

Where are my parents when you need them? To tell their daughter that she’s beautiful? That she’s the light of their world, the joy of their life?

Oh wait. They’re gone, like the wind.

I’m alone

Forever alone

So where do I stay might you ask?

On a bench in the park of course

I think the blade has been used enough today

 Guess it’s time to tuck it away in my backpack

It seems a bit chilly tonight

I lied, it’s lightly snowing

Let’s see if I can survive another night

It’s a continuous game

Never ending

My eyes flutter as I fight the sleep, but I give into it like I gave into pain.


Its morning and it seems a bit warmer

Wait, I lied again

There’s a blanket on me, but it’s not mine.

And there’s a note

It reads:

Hey Beautiful,

On you is my favorite blanket that my grandmother made me before she passed away. Don’t worry, you’re worth it.

Don’t stop fighting and don’t give in. Stay beautiful.

With much love,


I feel warmth inside of me

A warmth that I haven’t felt in so long. I feel my lips curve upwards into a smile.

It’s been three long years

And I feel,



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