Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

                “It means he really likes you, duh.” Kate answered for me.

                “I like him to, I just don’t want to mess things up with him.”

                Kate and I looked at each other. “How could you mess things up with Corey?” Kate asked.

                “Well I just don’t want him to get bored with me.” Angel replied.

                “Nonsense.” I replied. “He will never get bored with an amazing girl like you; he would be stupid if he did.”

                “Plus I would beat him up.” Kate added.

                The three of us broke out laughing and took a few minutes to calm down.

                “So will you guys help me get ready for our date tomorrow?” Angel asked.

                “Duh that’s what friends are for.” Kate told her.

                I shook my head in agreeance and grabbed the bag of twizzlers. I took one out and started chewing on it when Angel’s next question almost made me choke.

                “So I seen you and Zach were getting pretty cozy at the picnic the other day Kate.” Angel asked.

                Just then Kate’s eyes lit up and she smiled. “We are just friends.”

                “Don’t you like him?” I asked her.

                “I do it’s just he won’t make a move and I don’t want to look silly if he rejects me.” Kate replied.

                “He’s going to look silly if he rejects you, and you’re going to look even sillier if you don’t grow a set of balls and ask him out.” Angel told her.

                I snickered at Angel’s bold choice of words. Before Kate could even reply Angel grabbed her phone and started calling someone. Immediately there was an answer and she began talking.

                “Hey I have a question for you?”Angel asked.

                “Would you like to go on a date with Kate?”

                “Great, tomorrow at about one okay?”


                Angel hung up after saying goodbye to whoever she was talking to. Although I had guessed it was Zach, I still wasn’t positive. It would seem extremely goofy to assume she had called a different boy to hook Kate up with.

                “Congratulations Kate, you have a date tomorrow with Zach!” Angel jumped up and screamed.

                “Oh my gosh! Really?” Kate jumped up and hugged Angel, while I sat on the couch and snickered at their craziness.

                “We both have dates tomorrow!” Kate squealed.

                “Wait a second.” Angel paused and looked at me.

                “What about you?” Kate asked me.

                “I think Kaden and I are hanging out tomorrow.” I replied.

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