Being nomal

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Im traveling around the school with my two best friends that are humans and they know my secret and then this nerd that hated me for 10 billion years finally started talking and spreading rumors about me that I was the ruler of nerds and he payed for that I brought him to the closet and teleported him to the neather jail for toreturing and then I went home to the my parents house and I went to my room were I put people into shackles and ship shape them in to stuff like cakes and when I ship shape them into cakes I'll just let my me or my mom eat them after that I started watching minecraft diaries and fell asleep and sense neather hours aren't like earth hours i always miss the bus and my mom drove  me to school and I see that nerd boy and I said how did he get out of jail  it's time for gym to practice singing for the first battle of the bands while they were practicing for the first battle of the bands there arch enemies the best dancers in the school but I won vs them 5 gold metals in a row so they hate me I said to my friends well it's the end of the day cya later so then I while I was walking home I went to Walmart to buy food and stuff but when I went to the clothes section is saw this guy looking at me for no reason I said why are you looking at me he didn't even answer then he turn his eyes white and I did and looked at him and I said daddy is that you and he said yes it's me so I ran to him crying because I haven't seen him sense I was a baby then I hugged him and then he just teleported away then this man came to me and said follow me so I did he was a stranger but still I followed him he took me to this alley way he said he was 17 and I said I was 17 to but I'm really 117 years old and then he said come to my car I'm going to take you back to my house and ps my parents don't live with me I seen you in school before your name is Bella thorns right? Yea I am I said and then he said it's getting late how about you stay at my house tonight and tomorrow you can go back to your house yea that seems good enough so we went to his house and he made popcorn and we watched 3 or 4 movies and then passed out on the couch the next morning I said do you like me? And he said yea why because do you want to date me or something and I said yes I do want to date you and he said yea lets date well let's go to school I'll drive he said so when I got to school people were looking at me because I was dating a guy and  I said lets just go to class so we walked down the hall and my 2 friends say can we talk to you and I said sure so me and her were talking and they said our friendship isn't working out for us so me and her decide were not your friends anymore sorry then I ran into the bathroom and started crying then the person I was dating came in and we hugged so I said why would they do that to me now they will tell people my secret what secret he said ok this will freak you out so I'm half herobrine  and He said you are that's awesome and I said what it's not awesome it's amazing I can fly I can shoot out death balls ho no I'm late for class I have to go cya so I ran to class and when I got to class he was there I was wondering how did he get there ehh he's probably faster a getting to class so then I go in the bathroom and I see the guy I'm dating his eye color turns into purple I wonder what he is.

Hi it's the creator and I hope you girls and boys put a thumbs up 👍🏻 on my new book if u do I would be really happy 😻👶🏻👍🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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