Chapter 1

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Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

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Warning: This book contains cheating. If you are opposed to cheating of any kind, I highly recommend skipping this story. For those of you who like a little heartbreak in your reading choices, then please read on and brace yourself.

Chapter 1

He's cheating on me again.

My Mate.

The Man destined to love, cherish, and protect me is at this very moment, betraying me.

It's been a regular occurrence for the past three years. It started six months after we mated and has yet to stop.

We were young when we found each other at a pack mixer. Only seventeen years old and a year into our newfound wolf lives since shifters of our kind don't turn until our sixteenth birthday.  Our connection was immediate and though we were young and inexperienced, we embraced our bond and completed the mating that very same month. I said goodbye to my family because he was an Alpha and it was expected of me to be by his side. 

That’s exactly where I’ve been since. I’ve remained a loyal, loving, supportive Luna and am well liked and respected by our pack which is why it embarrasses me to no end to know that many of them are aware of my mates' indiscretions. The few that do know have been silenced by him, preventing them from alerting me of his betrayal, even though I’m already aware of it.

He, however, has no clue that I know because that’s what I’ve allowed him to believe. I’ve let him go out and have his fun, then return to me and share my bed as well as my body. No, we haven’t stopped making love. Our sexual relationship is as normal as if we were newly mated. I allow it because I know I’m the only one that holds his heart, even though he shares his body with countless others. He’s never mean to me, his love making is tender and passionate. He caters to me, comforts me, and loves me. He’s perfect in every way apart from his cheating.

The way I discovered his indiscretions is still quite clear in my mind. I knew after the first time he stepped out. No matter how thoroughly he washed his body, I could smell the female pheromones and scent of sex covering his body. I've always had a sensitive nose since I was a young child, making me an excellent tracker for our pack, and it remains the only thing my mate doesn’t know about me. My father suggested it be kept a secret so as not to draw attention to myself by those of our species who “collected” gifted wolves.

The first time I smelt it on him I thought he had a momentary lapse in judgment and let it go even though it broke my heart to pieces. By the third, fourth, and fifth times my spirit was crushed completely and I realized we mated too young. Wolves are viral creatures who thrive on lust, which is why we tend to mate later in life, around the age of twenty-five. My mate and I were a rare occurrence and being unable to control the urges, jumped in, blind to the consequences. 

I love him with all my heart and soul regardless, which made leaving him impossible…until now. 

I’ve recently discovered that I am pregnant. My daughter will be born in six months. My mate should have been able to tell but because he tries so hard to cover the scents he brings home with him, he is oblivious. 

The day I found out we were having a girl was the day I made the decision to do what I am about to do today. 

Leave my mate. 

I may have been able to look past his betrayal, but I refuse to bring my daughter up believing that it is okay to be disrespected in such a way. I want her to have what I never will, a faithful mate who will lay with no other but her. She won’t have that if I remain here, so it is time for me to go.

My bags are packed, my travel plans arranged. 

All that’s left to do is take the silver knife in my hand and carve an X on my chest where my mates mark lies. It will begin the breaking of our bond and will be completed when he repeats the process to the mark of mine on his shoulder. The only reason I’ve waited this long is because he will feel the cut as soon as I make it, causing him to rush to my side and make sure I’m alright. I need to be ready to leave before that happens.

Sitting on the bathroom floor, I stick a rag in my mouth to chew on as I raise the knife to my chest above my heart and make two shallow slices over the crescent moon that's been branded on my chest since the night we became one. 

Blood runs down my chest at a slow trickle and as I clean it to apply the bandages, I feel him pushing into my mind and remove the block I put in place to let him in.

“Samantha, are you alright? Where are you? What's happening?” 

There is concern and worry in his voice, but tears begin to fall as I detect the desire that's slowly being replaced with fear. I evidently interrupted one of his sexual encounters.

“You need to come home now.” I reply through the bond allowing my pain to infuse every word.

“Hold on baby, I’ll be there soon.” he vows.

I finish cleaning myself up as I take one last look at myself before I make this next move. My once shiny and silky black hair hangs dull and limply around my heart shaped face. My hazel eyes resemble murky mud pools as opposed to their usual honey tone. My full pouty lips are set in a hard line of determination. I hope after today I can bring back the woman I used to be. So full of hope and happiness. My daughter deserves that version of me.

I shut off the bathroom light and head to the family room to wait for my mate.

It takes less than ten minutes before I hear his car skid to a stop in our driveway and his footsteps run to the door. As he's about to turn the door knob I wonder to myself how he plans to mask the smell of sex covering his body, being that he didn’t have a chance to wash it away. The door is wrenched open and I'm hit with the force of intense gray eyes. The eyes of the man I'm about to leave.

He takes a quick glance around the room, no doubt checking for any imminent threats. Seeing that I'm in one piece, relief washes over his face quickly replaced by confusion. Curiously starting towards me, I stop him with a raised hand, “Devin, we need to talk.”

Then I begin to rip my own heart out to protect the heart of my daughter.

Betrayed By My Mate (Book 1 of the Complicated Mates series) Currently EditingWhere stories live. Discover now