On Top Of The World

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I woke up expecting no one to be there but I was wrong as I felt the warm bare skin of Ross’ chest beneath my face and his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. His sleeping breath was sweat music to my ears and I felt tingles run down my body and every tingle was saying I love you. I felt his body twitch under me and lifting my head I looked up in to his sleeping eye and I know he’s the one I want to spend rest of my life with.

Suddenly a smile crept over Ross face and with out opening his eyes he said, “Morning babe”

I leaned up and kissed him on his soft tender lips then pulling back replied, “Good morning gorgeous.”

Opening his eyes Ross stretched and then wrapping his arms around me he pulled me in closer to him and said, “Last night was amazing.”

Last night had been amazing. Ross had put no pressure on me at all leaving the decision to take our relationship to the next step entirely up to me. I felt so much love for Ross at that point that I was not afraid to give myself to him. I knew it was want I wanted and so after everything that had happened to me I was able to let Ross heal the scars. Hugging him tightly I murmured, “It was amazing, thank you.”

After lying there for another half hour we both got up and showered together before going down stairs to have breakfast. We were joined by our families and as I sat there listening and laughing with them I realised how lucky I was to have such great family and friends who loved me very much.  

My mum kept looking at me like she knew something and after a while I gave up wondering and asked. She just gave me a big smile and shook her head. Then she asked, “Did you sleep well last night?”

I blushed then and everyone at the table must have been listening as they all laughed and I sunk down in my chair embarrassed. Ross put his arm around him and said, “It’s alright babe.”

After breakfast we all went shopping and Ross held my hand the entire time we were shopping. People looked at us but there was nothing that made me feel uncomfortable and I squeezed Ross’ hand  feeling on top of the world. Every time I squeezed Ross’ had he would smile at me and kiss me a small kiss and so I made it a game while we were out steeling kisses from Ross when ever I could. I was having the best time of my life and I didn’t think anything could make it any better.

Later that day my parents and Jess had plans to take me out and as much as I didn’t want to be parted from Ross I agreed to go with them when Ross told me he had plans with his parents. My parents wanted to by me something special and Jess thought I could use a fancy French suit, one made of silk and although I was reluctant at first after trying on suits I loved how they felt and was delighted when my parents bought me one.

When we returned to the hotel I went to my room looking forward to showing Ross my new suit but I was surprised he was not back yet. It was nearing dinner and I wondered if I would just be meeting him at the restaurant when I saw a note on the pillow of our bed.   

“Where your new suit and meet me at the Eiffel Tower. Love Ross.”

I stared at the note and wondered ‘how did Ross know about my new suit I had only just bought’. I put my new suit on with the shirt and shoes my parents had also bought me and leaving my room I went down to the foyer of the hotel. As I walked out a limo and driver was waiting out the front. I didn’t think anything of it until the driver stepped forward and said, “Master Nathan.”

I stared at him and replied, “Yes.”

“”I’m here to escort you sir.” He opened the door to the limo and I stared at him then slowly moved forward and climbed into the limo. Once the driver climbed into the limo and began driving me through Paris I looked out the window wondering what was going on. It was beautiful being in the limo but lonely because Ross was not with me.

The limo finally came to a stop out the front of the Eiffel Tower and the driver got out and came around to let me out of the limo. I climbed out and looking around was surprised to see another man in a suit come forward and say, “Master Nathan, this way please.”

I thanked the driver and moved to follow the other man and as I did I hoped this wasn’t some plot to kill me or anything, sis anyone even know I was here. Well Ross obviously but I was still to reach him. The other man guided me towards the lift and getting in he escorted me to the very top of the tower. When the doors opened the sight before me left me speechless.

As I stepped out of the lift the man how escorted me up went back down and near by another man with a violin started playing. Just near him I saw a table for two with candles and near by a waiter was standing near another small table with food and drink on it.

I looked around so surprised and then from the shadows Ross stepped out and with his sexy smile he came to me and kissed me passionately. If my breath had not been taken away from the sight before me it had certainly been taken away after Ross kissed me. I was in heaven.

Ross guided me over to the table and pulling my seat out I sat down. Ross then sat down and the waiter stepped forward holding a bottle of champagne. He poured our glasses and then Ross said, “Thank you Michel.”

I stared at Ross and then the waiter and whispered, “Is this the Michel you have been texting?” Both Ross and Michel smiled and I blushed when I realised it was true. So Ross had never cheated on me at all, it was all part of this surprise he had set up for me. At that moment my heart swelled with so much love that I felt tears coming to my eyes and I said, “I love you.”

Ross reached out over the table and taking my hand said, “I’d did it all for you Nathan. I love you.”

The night was perfect and I had the most romantic night eating dinner with Ross at the top of the Eiffel Tower. It was nearing the end of our perfect night together when Ross indicated for the violin player to step forward and he started playing a lovely melody that was very romantic. Ross then stood up and coming around to me he knelt down on one knee and took my hand.

My stomach began to get butterflies as the entire scene before me began to resemble something like a proposal. But that wasn’t going to happen surely, was it.

Clearing his throat Ross took a deep breath and I was suddenly just as nervous as he was, “Nathan you are my heart and soul. I know I have not always been good to you and for that I will forever be sorry for but I want ot show you now that I will never let anything ever hurt you again, not me, no one. I want to protect you, to always be there for you and love you until the end of my days.”

Ross reached into his jacket and pulling out a small black velvet box he opened it up and a beautiful silver ring with a small diamond embedded in it was sitting in the black cushion.

“Nathan will you marry me.”

I didn’t realise I was crying until Ross reached out and wiped them from my face. I didn’t think I was going to able to answer him as I had lost my voice so instead I nodded ‘yes’.

Ross removed the ring from the box and taking my hand placed it on my ring finger. It was a perfect fit and then I throw myself into his arms and finally finding my voice said, “Yes, I will marry too Ross, I love you too, so much.”

Pulling back I took Ross’ face in my hands and said to him, “The past is forgotten. You are my guiding light and I will always love you no matter what.”

Ross’ eyes teared up and I kissed him. Then pulling back I frown and Ross asked what was the matter.

“I don’t have a ring for you.” I told him.

Ross smiled and from another pocket he pulled out another box and handing it to me he said, “I have matching rings made.”

I smiled and setting down on one knee next to Ross I opened the box and holding it out to Ross I said, “Ross will you marry me.”

He smiled and nodded and I removed the ring and taking his hand put the ring on his ring finger like he did to me. Ross looked at his ring and taking my hand he entwined our fingers together as we both stared at the matching rings on our fingers.

When I looked back up at Ross I knew that no matter what else happened in our lives we would never be apart.

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