we had walked to the nearby clothing store. i walked inside. it was nice. mellow. cool. it was getting dark. i looked through the aisle for my size and something i could afford. found it. it was plain. no design. just a blank white collared shirt. i looked at the tag, 500 yen. i sighed. i only have around 1500 yen. that was it. didn't want to waste it on clothes but i need it. i picked it up out the rack. it was plain but i make it look good. that is the wonders of being awesome. i took it too the counter. "this will be....582 yen please," i dug out my wallet. i felt a hand on my shoulder. i almost forgot. he was here too. "let me take care of it," he pulled out a change purse and dug around in it. he pulled out the coins and handed it to her. he dug around again as she rung it up. looked like he only gave her 500 yen. "hold on...i think i have 82 yen," he dug around again. i reached in my pocket and pulled out some coins. i giggled. exactly 82 yen. i handed it to her. she took it with a light blush. the shirt was paid for. i picked it up. "do you...need a place to change?" he asked. i looked at him. his head was looking away but his eyes looked at me. i sighed. it was too early. not just yet. i pointed towards the changing room. it broke my heart. ive got to be more subtle. he nodded. i went in the room and took off my shirt. shit. my chest was sticky. putting the new shirt on will ruin it as well. i sighed. i took the old one and rubbed it on my chest. nope. wasn't coming off that easily. i opened the curtain. shit. don't have a shirt on. yeah. he was standing there waiting for me to come out. i walked to the bathroom. i put a bit of water on the old shirt and wiped. nope. its on there good now. gonna need some soap and water. maybe a sponge. not good. "umm...." i looked towards him. forgot to close the door. i sighed. "i need some soap and water," i said simply. he nodded. "just...come with me," he said simply. he walked out. i followed, not fast enough to catch him before he walked out. "umm....i have some soap and water in the back," suggested the cashier. i sighed. im at a cross roads here. i could go to his house and wash or stay here. i need to be rational about this. im shirtless. as a guy i can walk out like this but would be chilly without a shirt. or...i could stay and wash here. be a bit more subtle with it. "umm...sir?" i had zoned out. shit. gotta make a quick decision. shit. i took a deep breath. "ok...thanks," i took the more subtle route. she smiled and i followed her to the back. small bathroom. little bar of soap. i had set the shirt down on the counter so it wouldn't get wet. i cleaned up. i was feeling fresh. clean. i sighed. i did the right thing. call it karma for being the cause of this mess. i took some towels to dry myself off. i walked out. "thanks," i said. she smiled. i walked back to the counter. shit. the shirt was gone. i didn't hear the door to the store open so it must be still in here some where. i looked around. not on the floor. not on a nearby rack. "did you see what happened to my shirt?" she shook her head. "i saw you put it on the counter. when i showed you the bathroom, i..." she blushed," ...watched you clean up." she said. some one took my damn shirt. i don't have the extra money to be buying new shit. i face palmed. "did you hear someone coming in the store?" i asked. she shook her head. "there isn't a bell on the door," she said simply. i sighed. i pulled out my wallet. she placed a hand on mine. "don't worry about it. just take one," i nodded. i walked over to the rack it was from. i looked through it. not a single one that fit. at all. three sizes too small. three sizes too big. suffocate or wear a dress. fuck no. id rather walk out shirtless. "cant find another?" i looked back at her and shook my head. she scratched her head. "im sorry. i cant really help out much," she said. "just...don't worry about it. you've helped me enough," she nodded. i just walked out in the cool air. shit. i forgot my bag. i walked back in. i looked around. no where to be found. i sighed. i walked back out. all i had was my pants, shoes, and my wallet. i didn't even have a phone. that is what happens when you don't have money. i looked around. i didn't see saitama. i made sure no one was looking. i levitated up into the sky. high enough that no one should see me. i looked around. i saw a danger zone and the glint of a bald head walking around inside. i floated down closer. it was saitama. holding my bag and my fucking shirt. i was trying to be subtle. guess he wants to speed this up. i floated down to a building alley before he approached it. he got close. i stepped out the alley in front of him. i looked at him. he looked at me. i looked at my things in his hands. i looked back at him. he disappeared in a burst of air. he fucking ran away. i face palmed. i floated fast after him. he was rather easy to find. i just followed the burst of air he left in his wake. he went to an apartment building. i hid so he wouldn't see me. he looked around. he walked inside. i floated up to see which one he was going in. i floated closer as he shuffled with his keys. he unlocked it and went inside. i floated to the back to see through his balcony. he walked in. set my stuff on a small counter. he walked towards the balcony. shit. i floated up so he wouldn't see me. he looked out. around. went back inside. i floated down to see what he was doing. shit. he closed the blinds. i floated closer. i could see in the cracks. i grinned. he was taking off that ridiculous suit. yeah. more buff than he looked. he stripped to his undies. he turned around to do something on the counter. wow. well defined back and legs. don't even get me started on his wonderfully round butt. he pulled off those black undies. wow. i was hard. really hard. i kept watching. he pulled the stuff out of my bag. weird order. get naked then go through my things? i didn't care. he was still hot. i didn't want to tease him just yet. i waited. he looked at the food. the hygiene products. "ooohhhh....he really didn't have another shirt," i heard him say. he thought i lied? whatever. still loved that plump booty. he shrugged and walked into a back room. i heard a shower going. i sighed. time to confront him. i used my power to carefully unlock the bay door. i floated inside and closed it behind me, never touching the ground or anything. made it lock. just sat there in mid air. thinking about how to deal with this. i floated through his house. it was really...small. i almost bumped into his tv. it was quite large surprisingly. no bed. just a futon on the floor. small table. i floated further in. i saw my stuff, scattered on the counter. looked in the fridge. i giggled quietly. he definitely lives alone. bread, milk, three eggs. little pots and pans in the sink. doesn't wash dishes very often. i looked around. very simple. small table next to his futon on the floor. i stopped in front of a door. i heard the shower stop. shit. footsteps followed. i moved out the way quickly. i heard water going in the toilet. i let out a sigh of relief. he was peeing. i moved back to his living room. i floated there. didn't really know what to do about this. it was weird. i ended up floating in mid air for a while. i heard the door open. i sighed softly. im already inside. i could have just taken my stuff back but...he was so hot. i giggled at my pervy-ness. i just lounged in midair. i was just staring at the ceiling when he walked in, naked. he just looked at me for a long while. i put my hands behind my head and chilled in mid air. "....that explains how you found me," he said simply. "i gotta say....i was going for the more subtle approach," i said. i rolled in midair to look at him. just a blank stare while he was naked. "looks pretty good," i looked at his chest. he finally snapped out of it and his entire body went dark red. he shuffled for some underwear. he pulled on some boxers. i chuckled. "ive already seen it all," i went back to looking at the ceiling. he just looked away. "so..." i started. "yeah....i noticed you watching me at the store," he admitted. i was gonna ask how much was this apartment was a month but i can work with this. "did you know i was an esper, too?" i asked. he shook his head. "i felt a strong presence approaching me earlier," he said. good. he didn't notice me following him. "are you strong?" he asked. "you could say that," i said simply. he smiled. wide. "fight me," i was taken aback from his request. i turned to look at him. he was getting excited. he already had his legs in his suit. i held up a hand. he looked at me and stopped. "im just here to get my stuff," i pointed to it on the counter. "no you aren't," he said. i grinned. "you are still shirtless," he said. "ok....you caught me. i really did enjoy the view," i said. he blushed. "fight me," he asked again. "fine," i made the bay window open and the shirt float over to me. i put it on as i floated out the window.

S-Class (Seme Male Reader x Saitama) {One Punch Man}Where stories live. Discover now