Link_The_Archer's request

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A/N this is my first one don't expect it to be good and I won't update unless people request

This is a DC vs Marvel request so yeah....

FYI you are tha flash!! 

Flash POV!

 As you hang from Avengers Tower, you see him staring down at you.

"Maybe this will make you regret what you have done as he blasts the railing you were holding onto

As you fall, you remember Iris' face, "I'm sorry honey...." You think, "I'm not coming home." That's the last thing you remember before seeing a desperate hand reaching for yours.


Cap's POV 

(cause he's my fave!)

" sigh.... Why can't we all just get along?" I think, "Tony just causes so many problems with his impulsive thinking." We've been dealing with this problem for weeks, it started when Tony claimed it was dangerous for heroes like them to have superpowers. I was sitting in a meeting with the rest of the team. "So Cap, are you in?" Asks Tony, "Why would I be? For all we know they could just be trying to help!" "Riiiiiight," he says sarcastically, "they look over us in that satalite in the sky! Heck that thin has a laser that could distroy all of New York!" "But the haven't even used it on anyone or anything, you claim, " How do you explain all of the cities distoyed on there so called rescues? " says Tony snuggly. "WELL MAYBE WE SHOULD JUST GIVE THEM A CHANCE!" I yell. Everyone looks at me stunned. " I-I," "JUST GET OUT OF MY FACE!!" yelled Tony, "IF YOUR NOT INTERESTED IN HELPING YOUR OWN TEAM THAN JUST LEAVE!" I sigh, I know it's better to avoid Tony when he is mad like this.

Time skip!

Flash POV

You speak into your microphone in your suit, " Hey! Come on Cisco, talk to me!" " OK he says he went to 590 east 60 south and moving quickly." He says. "Well you all know that I'm too fast for anyone now don't cha?" You chuckle. " Yeah Yeah Barry we all know your fast." says Caitlin. You turn to the left and see the famous Steve Rodgers! " Woah guys!" You shoot as you come to a stop. " CAPTAIN AMERICA IS HERE!!" "No fair," Cisco says, "you always get to meet the amazing people!" You chuckle, "Of course I am one of the famous people after all!" It doesn't take long for The soldier to turn and see you. " What are yuyuou doing here it's not safe!" He says in a panic " Nah nothing can catch me." You say. "BARRY COME ON YOUR IN THE MIDDLE OF CHASING THE ROUGES!" " Well looks like I'll have to go" you say, you turn to see an astonished look on his face and holding the side of his neck. His eyes roll to the back of his head as he crumbles to the ground, unconscious. You start to freak. "AHHHH! ARE YOU OK CAP? CAP!!!" "BARRY WHAT'S GOING ON?" you here Caitlin shout. "Y-you'll see when I get there" you say as you pick him up and rush back to the lab.

*LA time skip*

Cap's POV

I woke up to seeing two concerned faces looking down on me. " Uhhhhh, hi?" I said. The guy with brown hair seemed like he was going to faint. " H-He talked to me! The legendary Captain spoke to me!" He ran out of the room squealing like a little girl. "Sorry about Cisco," Said a young women with red hair, "he's a bit of a fan."I realize that Flash didn't notice I had woken uip until Cisco had run out of the room. He seems horrified that you caught him without his mask on. " H-he oops!" He says. "You have got to be more careful!" The women exclaims, " At this rate everyone will know your secret identity!" "Oh don't worry Caitlin," he laughs. "Yeah your secret is safe with me even if I have no idea who you are." I chuckle a bit, " I know our teams are against each other and all but I've never agreed with it." Flash seems to agree. " Honestly I think you guys are just trying to help just like we are. Anyway my names Barry, Barry Allen." I can really tell this guy has a big heart, if only Tony could see that he always rushes to conclusions. "What happened? I don't remember." "Well, honestly we don't know what happened either but looks like someone wanted to kidnap you or something but we don't know who." Barry sighed "Well I better get going I said the team might be worried about me." As I got up a wave of dizziness overwhelmed me and I fell to the floor panting. Barry literally rushed to me " Maybe you should stay here a while." I sighed "Well if I can't stand without getting dizzy I guess I'll have to. Cisco came running into the lab. "BAAAAAAARRRRRRYY!! SOMEONE'S IN THE LAB!! I COULDNT STOP THEM!!!! Barry shot up and bursted away just seconds later we heard yelling and he came running back carrying a man with long hair and a robotic arm " B-bucky?"

A/N MWHAHAHAHAHA I just haaad to leave this in a cliff hanger 😈! Anyway, this story will be longer I was just too excited to publish it and see what you guys thought I'm nervous but I'll just get it over with! See you in the next story

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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