The Proposal

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Ramin helped Sierra get ready to go to the theatre. 

" Are you ready to go Sie?" Ramin asked her. 

" I guess so, let me just take my medication then I will be all set." 

" Okay, take your time." 

Sierra walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabber her medicine off the counter when she heard a knock at the door, she walked towards it to open it. 

" Hello Sierra, it's nice to see you again." Tam said. 

" Ummmm, hello Tam, it's nice to see you too." 

" I'm sorry about everything that has happened between us, but I am here to ask you to come back" 

" Tam, listen, You're an amazing guy and all but being here with new people has helped me move on" 

"Sierra, you are the love of my life, I was stupid to call off things between us, I was not thinking." 

"Tam, I cannot go back out with you!" Just as she said that she heard someone coming up behind her. 

"You must be Tam, I am Ramin." Oh crap Sierra thought to herself. 

" Ramin? Let me guess you are the one that Sierra has moved on with huh?"

" Listen, I do not know why you are here but I think you need to leave right now." 

" Why's that? Afraid I am going to steal your girl?"

" No I am not, she would never go back to someone like you." Sierra felt like she was at a tennis match watching them go back and forth.

" Can you be so sure?"

" I did not leave her for someone else."

" Really cause that is not what I heard, I heard you hurt her by getting back with your ex." 

"Get the hell out of my place right now Tam, before I call the cops." 

" Fine but this will not be the last time you see me." Tam slammed the door and walked away. 

" Sierra are you okay." Ramin could tell that Sierra was frightened. 

" He is really mad, we need to leave." Ramin was sad inside that his plan would have to wait.. or would it? 

" How about you me and the kids still go to the theatre, he won't know we are there." 

" Okay, I guess that is a good idea" 

" Lets go babe, Come on kids we are leaving" 

" Coming dad" They said. 

- At the theatre-

" Hello guys, how is everything?" Andrew was there to greet them.

" Everything is fine." Ramin could tell Sierra was worried as he watched her look around cautiously. 

" Should we get started?" Andrew asked. 

" Yes, lets do it." 

"Sierra, honey, can you come to the stage?" 

Sierra walked onto the stage and she heard All I Ask of You started playing. 

Ramin startend singing and soon enough she joined in forgetting everything that had happened. At the end of the song Ramin pulled out the velvet box and got down on one knee.

" Love me that's all I ask of you" Sierra started tearing up

" OMG YES RAMIN" They shared a long kiss as everyone clapped. 

A/N The idea of Tam coming back came from one of the readers: @Epius1832

  Just wanted to give them credit for the idea. 

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