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The morning wind of white stock bitch slapped me in the face as i made my way to school. I wasn't even running i was taking my fucking time but i shouldn't have expected any less since this town's weather loved to fuck with me on bad days.

And today was no different.

I made my way down the road kicking any loose pebbles that laid in my path as frustration was clear on my face. First fucking Calum forgets to pick me up for school and he damn well knows that my car is in repairs,then that Michael kid decides to fucking rat me out for being the one who spray painted the word 'pussy' across the principals car window...

I won't even lie that was a great idea i have zero regrets.

I felt a dark smirk start appearing on my face as i imagined the principal walking over to his car and seeing 'pussy' being written over his beloved Mercedes. Man i wish i was there to see the look in his eyes,it would have been priceless.

But thats beside the point ,the fucking kid ratted me out and that shit doesn't go down easily.

fucking Michael.

Everything about him annoyed me,his face,his tattoos, and don't even get me started on his fucking hair. God the kid made my blood boil and i have no idea how i'm supposed to control my fucking anger around him.

maybe i just won't control it.

no i have to fuck i can't get into anymore shit i have to stay clear of anything that could set me off, well just until this whole thing with the principal blows over.

if it ever does.

Just the thought of having the principal constantly on my back frustrated me even more. I ran my hand through my hair with a loud sigh, I couldn't take that shit. I'm gonna stay out of any trouble,i have to.


I was walking to my locker after second period and the unmistakable sound of high heels hitting the floors neared me, i didn't even have to look up to know who it was..

" Lukey!" I heard Chelsea shriek as the sound of her heels became louder, I let an aggravated groan escape my lips as i turned my head to look at her. Her smile faded as she saw that i wasn't in the mood for her games today.

"What's wrong Lukey?" she cooed at me,rubbing my arm lightly.

"Nothing" I sighed,shaking her hand of off my arm.

" Oh come on,tell me whats wrong and i'll do my best to help you" at this point she was standing in front of me, biting her lip seductively, at least that's what she thought she looked like, in reality her lip biting wasn't seductive but somewhat disturbing as her lips were too thin and dry to ever look 'attractive'. If lips could even be attractive.

I was trailing off topic.

"Thanks for the offer,but i'll pass" i finally replied,sounding pretty confident as I brushed her hand off of my arm,again.

She batted her eyes at me in surprise as her mouth hanged open slightly. I had never turned a girl down before so this was a first, and i'm guessing that Chelsea had never been turned down before either.

I put my hand under her chin and lightly lifted it, making her mouth shut, "close your mouth, you don't want to catch flies'. My words made her cheeks turn a bright red colour, causing a smirk to appear on my lips as i put my hands in my pockets and walked away.

i heard her walk away in the other direction as i made my way to my locker.

God she was so clingy. Couldn't she take a fucking hint that i needed some space right now.

i walked over and opened my locker,taking out my books for the next class i had and shoving them into my back pack that i then swung over my shoulder.

i made my way over to my english class alone as i was still beyond pissed of with Calum and wasn't in the mood to wait for him and walk together to English. Hopefully he'd realise i'm mad and sit somewhere else this lesson.

i walked into the class and realised that i was five minutes early, fucking great. i looked around the room and saw a girl sitting alone by a window. she had a light blue notebook out and was taping her pen against the paper lightly, creating a low 'thud' noise.

i walked over to my usual seat, on the other side of the room from her. i took out my book and pen and started reading over previous work that i had done. English was my thing, it was a class i knew i wouldn't fail because writing was something i could do with ease, i may not be the best, but i know that i'm not bad. And that's what matters.

i started writing something on a new page, i didn't need to think as my hand scribbled the words over the page, that's what was good about writing, it came so naturally.

the sound of the bell ringing made me look up to be met face to face with Calum.

"Whats the fucking matter with you?" he sighed,looking me in the eyes.

"nothing" i mumbled looking back down at my page.

maybe if i focus enough on the words then i wont be able to hear his fucking voice.

"Bro speak to me" he said seriously, taking a seat next to me.

I groaned and looked up to meet our eyes once again 

"What" my voice sounded beyond pissed,good.

"Aw is rich boy Hemmings angry? is somebody going to have a temper tantrum?" 

without even looking in the direction of the voice i knew who it was. 

me and Calum both shot our eyes in the direction of the voice to be met with a pair of green eyes.

Michael Fucking Clifford.

I didn't even try to control my fucking anger.

"What the fuck did you say to me?" I growled, standing up furiously as my chair hit the desk behind me.

A/N- oooooOOoo i wonder what's gonna happen. i'll hopefully update tomorrow and if not then in two days okayy thank you for readingg

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