He knocked on the door, and instantly there was a flurry of motion and noise from inside the thin walls.

"Ginny! Door!"

"You're closer, Percy, you prat!"

"I'm working!"

"You've been working all day! You can get up for two seconds to answer the door!"

"Merlin's beard, you two. I'll get it." I recognised the voice as either Fred or George Weasley's, but a bit sadder than it had ever sounded before... I distinctly remembered Fred's body lying on the cold grey floor in the great hall. It was George, then.

The door was pulled open after a few seconds, and a man in his twenties stood in the doorway. His brown eyes were empty and dark bags under them showed weeks of next to no sleep. He was holding a bottle of firewhisky in his right hand.

"Harry." he said, sounding neither happy nor upset... just stating a fact.

"Hi, George." Harry's face had dropped once he had caught sight of his friend's dishevelled appearance. "How are you holding up?"

"Does it look like I'm doing well?" he laughed unhumourlessly, motioning to his alcohol.

Harry obviously couldn't find the words that he wanted to use. "Uh, yeah. I mean, I, er, miss him too, you know."

"George? Who is it?" Molly Weasley appeared at her son's side and blinked. "Harry? I thought you were in hiding until the rumors died?"

"I guess I felt homesick." He smiled weakly at her, and I could tell that seeing George without Fred had put a bit of a damper on his spirit.

She embraced him in a warm hug. "I've been awfully worried about you, too. We all missed you so much. I just put a pot of tea on... come in, come in."

Harry nodded. "Thanks, Mrs Weasley. I hope this isn't a bad time."

"Not at all, Harry." She put her arm around him and guided him into the house. I slipped in behind them, still invisible, before the door slammed shut.

Before long, all of the Weasley's, except for Ron, Bill and Charlie, were gathered around Harry at the table, drinking tea and trying to make conversation. For the second time that day, I felt intrusive, so I sat by myself near the wall and watched Harry beginning to smile, happy to be back with his friends.

"So, dating any guys yet?" Ginny asked, wiggling her eyebrows at him.

Harry laughed. "No. What about you?"

She blushed. He grinned. "Who is it?"

"Well, we're not dating. But there's this one guy..."


"Anthony Goldstein," she leaned back in her chair and smiled. "He's a Ravenclaw... or was, at least. His seventh year was last year, so he's busy applying for jobs now."

Harry thought for a moment. "Wasn't he in the DA?"

Ginny nodded. "And he helped hex Malfoy at the end of your fifth year, when the git tried to attack you with Crabbe and Goyle."

"Uh, yeah. Git." Harry scratched the back of his head and I held back a laugh. "Well, I approve, then."

"Thanks. It means a lot, coming from you." She swung her long red hair back over her shoulder and hugged Harry. I tensed up, remembering their relationship in our sixth year. I don't know why it bugged me so much, but I just really didn't want them getting so close.

That's when it hit me. I was jealous. A completely new feeling, which would be why I hadn't noticed it sooner. I didn't want Harry to be with Ginny again, or anyone else for that matter... so who did I want him to date? Me? I thought about it. I mean, I was gay, so that wasn't a problem, and I couldn't deny that he was extremely attractive. I imagined us going on a date, maybe to a theme park or something...

My thoughts slowed down. A date. To a theme park. Holding hands. It sounded familiar, and I flashed back to our week at Disney; going on roller coasters together, him worrying about me when I felt sick after, the girls that giggled at us when they spotted us holding hands... was that not a date? Was it possible to be dating without even realizing it?

I rubbed my forehead. This was too confusing to begin to think about right now. I tried to turn my attention back to Harry's conversation with the Weasley's, but my mind kept jumping back to the one thing that was undeniable: I would be jealous if Harry was in a relationship with someone else.

Author's Note:

Well, it's up (finally).

AND I HAVE AN EDITOR! Thanks to Amarah to helping me with this chapter (and chapters in the future). My writing can get pretty bad when I have writer's block so it's nice to have someone to help me make it better. :) Thanks again, if you're reading this, Amarah.

So my teacher asked me again about reading my story... I've decided that I'll let her if she asks again. She's read and watched Harry Potter, so at least she'll (sort of) understand it, even if she doesn't get the whole Draco/Harry romance. I just have this weird fear of other people that I know in person reading what I write... it makes me sorta uncomfortable. So, if you do end up reading this, Ms. Donald, that's the only reason why I didn't let you read it sooner. :)

And thank you to everyone who's reading this as well... I appreciate Every. Single. One . Of. You. Don't forget to tell me what you think... comment/vote! <3

Love you guys!


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