Chapter 1

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**Nero's POV**

The sun beats down on me, making my skin peel and flake as I wander around what I think is the Australian outback. My skin is covered in a fine film of redish dust and my mouth is as dry as an oven. Why am I here? I just woke up out here, there were no footprints in the dust, no sign of any tyre tracks, it's like someone flew with me in their arms and then just dropped me without landing. But how would they do that? they'd have to be a fairy or angel or something, and everyone knows that they don't exists.

I walk over a hill and as I reach the top, a road comes into sight. I head down and start to follow it, hoping that I won't die out here with just the word 'Fallen' going around and around in my head...
Nero! Turn your bloody alarm off, now!' My roommate Izzy shouts from her bed. I moan, rolling over trying to shake off the dream, well, more like flashback, from when I woke up in the outback six months ago. I start hitting the clock repeatedly until I find the button and that repetitive, annoying sound stops.
'Ugh! Thank you!' She says, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
'C'mon, we need to get up. I've got four lectures today with Prof Knight and you've got at least two.'
'Make that five.' I reply, groaning as I sit up.

'We're going to be late!' I shout, we're both dressed and ready but we've taken far to long. Running through the campus with Izzy and my other best friend Erin, I dig in my pocket for my phone which just buzzed alerting me to a new message.

From: Alec <3
Hiya, you still coming over later?? Xxx

'Oh crap!' I shout,
'What is it?' Erin asks me.
'I totally forgot about my date with Alec later! It's our three month anniversary, what an I going to do? I've got lectures 'till 9.'
'Well you can't go.' She tells me, 'He'll be fine with it, I mean he is your boyfriend.'
'Yeah I guess...' I reply, I open a new message and answer Alec's.

From: Nero <3
I'm soooo sorry, but I've got lectures until 9 :( xx

There's no answer.
'He's gonna hate me!' I say.
'No he won't, now come on!' Izzy drags me through a door and down a hall, she then stops me outside the hall where my lectures on music and composition are today,
'Now get in there and learn about writing songs!' She tells me,
'I'll see you later.' She walks off, heading for her first lecture of the day, marine biology.
'See you.' I say, pushing the door open and walking in. ***********************************
Fooood!' I say, sitting down as I pull my plate towards me and dig in.
'You eat like a pig.' Erin says as she sits down next to Izzy with her own plate.
'Erin, Erin.' I say 'You've told me this so many times that I can't even remember the amount, but do I care? No.'
'Your just lucky you have a high metabolism.'
'Yeah, yeah, whatev-' I stop as the song Heartbreak Girl starts blaring from my pocket, it's by this band called 5 Seconds of Summer, they're really good and definitely my favourite band. I dig my phone out and look at the ID, Alec<3.
'Shut it.' I tell them both, I then press accept.
'Hey Alec.' I say nervously.
'Hi Ner,' He replies, 'Look, I'm really sorry about not answering earlier, I was just a bit upset about you not being able to come over tonight.'
'I'm really, really, really sorry.' I tell him. 'How about tomorrow night instead?'
'Well that's what I was actually calling you about.' he says.
'Well, you know how pissed you were about not being able to go to that concert tomorrow for that band 5 Seconds of fun or something because the tickets all sold out?'
'It's 5 Seconds of Summer, but yeah?' I ask.
'Well your amazing boyfriend may, or may not have gotten you backstage tickets for that same concert.....'
'Your joking! This has got to be some kind of joke! Are you serious?'
'Nope, definitely not a joke.' He says, laughing at my reaction.
'Woah, Nero, my ears.'
'Oh right, sorry. But oh my god! I'm going to meet 5SOS!'
'Yeah, happy three month anniversary babe.' He says.
'I love to sooo much!' I tell him.
'I love you too Nero.' He tells me, 'I'll pick you up at seven outside your dorm, okay?'
'Okay, see you later.'
'Bye.' He hangs up. I grab Izzy's arm,
'Holy crap! I'm meeting 5SOS.' I tell them,
'Yeah, we know.' Erin says, 'We were right here as you screamed.'
'Oh right.' I say, blushing.
'Oh and Ner?' Izzy says.
'Tomorrow's their last concert before they come back to Uni for a bit, and guess what uni they go to?'
'They don't- not here-they don't come to this university? Do they?'
'Holy fudging fudge cakes! I'm going to be going to the same university as my favourite band. Oh wow....'
'Oh and one more thing.' Izz says.
'They're all studying music and composition.'
'I told you she'd be exited.' Izzy tells Emma.
'C'mon Nero,' she says, 'You need at least some sleep before you meet the boys tomorrow.' We stand up, say goodnight to Erin and head up to bed....
I'm flying through the air, my wings -wait, wings? I don't have wings, it'd be cool though.....anyway, back to the weird dream about flying.

My wings beat up and down as I fly through blackness, I can't see anything. Suddenly I'm falling, down, down, down until I hit what feels like a hard, cold stone floor. I'm completely blind, all I can hear are voices calling my name.
'Nero, please!'
'Feather Arse!' Feather Arse? Where the hell did that come from? But the weirdest thing is, I can think of the perfect response to that name.
'Tutu Brain.'

What's happening? I've never heard these voices before, but somehow they're all really familiar, like I should know them. Like I've forgotten them. And those words, the only ones I can remember from my past are floating around my head again.
'The Fallen. The Fallen. The Fallen.'....

The Wingless (5SOS Fanfic, Sequel to The Fallen) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now