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Cast members:
Kelsey Simone as Bella Mitchell
Manu Rios as Kyle Vein


"Can I have ice cweam mommy?"

"Of course yes, sweetheart, just hold on." She turned to the side, blood coming out of her mouth. "Turn around, Bella."

I turned around, hearing her vomit blood. "Mommy are you okay?" I asked, my back facing her.

"Yes baby, hold on." She said spitting one last time. She got up and went to the kitchen. I followed her. "Go watch some tv, I'll be there in a second okay Bella?" She asked, her mouth red with blood.

"Okay mommy, I'll be waiting for you and we can eat my birfday ice cweam togever!" I said smiling. I ran to the living room and plopped down on the couch.

"Happy 4th birthday Bella!" Mommy said, three cups of chocolate chip ice cream in her hands. Brandon came into the room.

"Happy birthday little sissy!" He said, grabbing a cup of ice cream from mommy and sitting next to me.

"Thank you Bwandy!" I said eating my ice cream when I heard a sound. I turned around to see mommy on the floor.

Her eyes were closed and blood was coming out of her mouth and nose while she laid there, not moving.

"Mommy!" I said running to her. "Wake up mommy!" I said, shaking her. I started crying, trying to wake her up.

"Momma!" Brandon shook her. "Wheres stepdad?" He asked.

"Mommy didn't tell me I don't know." I said. When mommy didn't wake up, we continued shaking her. "Mommy, please don't go! Mommy wake up!"

"Wake up mommy!" I gasped as I woke up. I was breathing heavy, tears were making their way down my cheeks and I saw a nightmare once again.

I checked the time and saw that it was 4 in the morning. I had 2 hours left to sleep but it seemed impossible to close my eyes and dream until I could get up.

I laid there, staring at the photo on the ceiling right above my bed. "Hi, Mommy. I saw you again. But whenever I see you, I just get up crying. I miss you so much." I whispered.

Before I knew it, my alarm went off signaling me that it was time to get up. I shut my book, 'Paper Towns' and quickly went to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my hair, putting it up in a messy bun.

I wore simple black jeans and a cream colored hoodie and went downstairs. I put two slices of bread in the toaster and grabbed peanut butter, jelly, cheese, nutella and put them on the table neatly. I turned on the kettle and the slices of bread popped out. I put them on a plate and to the table. I made coffee in a mug and neatly put it on the table.

I grabbed an apple and my backpack. Just as I was leaving, I heared that monster of a stepfather.

"Bella Mitchell!" I turned around, scared. "Stop waking up at night, gasping! You keep waking me up!" He yelled.

"I-I have nightmares..." I said, scared.

"Guess what? I don't care! Your lucky I didn't get up and slap you!" He shouted. "Go!" He added.

I turned around and left. At least he didn't kick my stomache like he usually does.

I got into the bus and heared whispers about a new guy coming to school. They were all excited. Especially the girls. They need to start trying to control their hormones.


Just as I reached my locker, someone stepped on my shoe. Normally, I wouldn't say anything but for the first time, it hurt a lot.

"What the-" I said turning around but just as I saw who stepped on my shoe, I shut myself up. The queenbee. Nichole.

"What did you say?" She asked in her high pitched, squeaky voice. She had two of her minions behind her.

"Nothing you should care about." I said. To be honest, even though I spoke up, I was scared. Cause she can get you suspended, hated, killed, or loved with a clap of her hands.

She looked frustrated. She tought I wouldn't say anything. She huffed. "I can't believe I stepped on a foot that belonged to someone like you, with Prada heels!" She said.

Someone shut this bitch up before I kill her.

Calm down Bella, calm down.

"I can't believe Prada actually gave you those heels!" Just as the words left my mouth, I earned a slap to my cheek.

"You bitch!" Nichole yelled. She then stomped away, her minions following.

"Who is that bitch? She kept speaking up to Nichole!"

"What a bitch."

"Nicholes better than her."

"She's so ugly."

I didn't say anything to the crowd that was whispering their bullshit. I got my books and just as I was leaving, a girl ran to me and hugged me.

"Are you okay? Oh my goodness, what kind of a girl is she to call you those stuff with that annoying voice!" She said, hugging me tight. First I was taken aback and shocked. But then, I hugged her back.

When we pulled away, I saw her curly blck hair and dark skin. She had beautiful brown eyes and freckles. She was beautiful.

"I'm alright, thank you." I said. "And yes, she's a bitch." I whispered. She laughed and nodded.

She took her schedule out and we checked them. We had History, Math and Chemistry together.

"The first lesson is Chemistry." I said. We walked together and sat next to each other. Soon enough, the bell rang and everyone was seated. Mr.Brown came in and put his computer on his desk. He grabbed a white board pen and went infront of the board.

"Okay, children. Today, we have a new student that will join us for the school year. Please be nice to him. Oh and also, we have another new friend, Meredith. She is seated next to Bella." He breathed in and started his speech. "Welcome Meredith, I hope you'll like our school. Kyle, come in." Just as he said so, a tall, musculine, attractive, brunnette came into the classroom.

He sat across from me since it was the only empty seat.

"Welcome, Kyle." Mr.Brown said.  Then he started the lesson which I carefully listened since I like Chemistry.

The bell rang and everyone shot up. Just as I was walking with Meredith, someone knocked off my books while running. I looked at who it was to see Kyle. He didn't even say sorry, or pick any book up.

"Jerkbag." I said and picked up my books.

"Watch your language Bella." He said and walked away with a smirk on his face.


Hey people! How do you like the book? Is it nice? Do you like it? I sure hope you do. To be honest, I really like this book and am hoping it will be liked.

Love you!


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