His soft spot.part 11

Start from the beginning

Once we entered the shop,Megan,Amanda and Brooke looked at us shocked and I could already see the fear in their eyes as they took in to our holding hands.

Megan kept watching us from the counter as we started walking towards the clothes in the back of the shop.

There were two other customers in the shop so we weren't alone with them.That made me feel better.

Darco and I started looking over at men's and women's clothes acting interested until we saw Amanda coming over to us to help us.

''May I help you?'',she asked politely acting all professional.

I remembered all the times I was running after the customers to help them all while Megan,Amanda and Brooke were behind the counter drinking their coffee and chatting as if everything is perfect,and when a customer would dare ask them something,they'd publically make a sight by 'correcting' my actions and scolding me in front of the customers for not serving them right or not doing something the right way.

''We're trying to find a tux for me and a night dress for my girl'',Darco said as she hurried and started taking out clothes from the shelves with Brooke's help who was taking out various dresses.

I had a flashback again at that moment,of a day that I had my first day of period.I started from my house with the pain already making itself known both to my stomach and waist as well as my back.

I had made sure to take a depon pill before I left the house just so I'd make sure the pains wouldn't be too much during work,but the pill would take more than 2 hours to take action to the pain.So I knew I'd have to put up with the pain for about two to three hours.

Once I entered the shop,I saw to my horror three large boxes with new clothes behind the counter.

Brooke then 'ordered' me in her usual bored and fakely sympathetic tone,to start arranging the clothes to the shelves.

Without a complain I started arranging the clothes and a bit more than an hour later,I was in intense pain,my back was hurting,my waist was hurting and I could feel my stomach craving for food and rest.

Amanda and Brooke were in their break from their 'work' so I took the courage from all the anger and desperation I had at that moment and asked Megan to let me have a break because I was really tired,since I arranged 3 boxes of clothes all by MYSELF.

She patted me in a supposed friendly way and told me that I'm free to take a break but just when I was about to go to my bag and grab my snack,two customers came into the shop,and thats when I wanted to kill Megan really bad for the first time in my life.

Because my dear 'aunt',in stead of telling Brooke or Megan to go and help the customers,after they had already taken their break,she told ME to go and help the customers before I even had the chance to sit on a damn chair for a couple seconds.

She knew I was tired and she knew I wanted to take a rest,I asked it desperately from her and she still told me to go and help even though she could have asked one of the girls to help them.

I felt anger inside me as I watched Brooke and Amanda showing the clothes off to us.

I recognised some of those clothes as the clothes I had arranged in the shelves one month ago,when the incident happened.

Darco propably sensed my sudden discomfort cause he leaned down to my ear and kissed it.

''Everything okay Little?'',he asked with worry in his voice.

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