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Pairing: Sebastian Stan/Reader

Rating: PG-13

POV: You ❤

Summary: "I love you, believe me... that part is true."


Account to Credit: @kebencaruso on wattpad

Part One

"I left her! I swear, I did. For you... I love you. You know that right?"

Sebastian explains, reaching for your hand as he talks. You flinch away at his touch but that same soft, comforting skin on skin is what you crave for. He pulls you in, and wraps his hands around your waist. He stares down at your tear stained face, sighing. He says, "Right?"

Honestly, you don't know what to think anymore. You don't know which is worse; him cheating.. Or you, actually considering taking him back. The latter is much worse, you know he's a mess and reckless. He'll do anything to get you back, not in the way you want to. Sebastian is the kind of man who's insatiable, he's never contented with what he has in his grasp. Even with his women.

Just last week you found out he was seen at the bar talking, no.. flirting with two women. That was just last week, who knows how long he's been stabbing you on your back, you have been together for a year now, no way in hell did he ever gave any sign that he's a cheater or a downright asshole. But alas, here you are now, torn between leaving him or giving him another second chance.

"Look, I gotta go Seb. It's getting really late and I still have work tomorrow. I'll just.. maybe.. call you." You say, your eyes shifting down in shame, because why.. why would you even consider calling this man... this poor example of a man. Why?

Why? Because when you said you'll call, his eyes lit up like fireworks in the sky, his smile widens, like a gleeful child after school. His stature changes into a confident and happy manner. Why? Because when you see him like that, you remember the first time you laid your eyes on him, that one spark in the hotel lobby you're working at, you remember how his stubble outlined his defined jaw, you remember how he loved you too much he was ready to give up his life when you broke it off. You remember how vulnerable Sebastian is, and you remember how he used to love you and treat you like a queen.

That's why, because you remember how he was before all of this. That's why he's hugging right now, tight, warm and comfortable, as you were about to leave. He whispers, "Please... call me."

And you just responded with a, "For sure, Seb."

Just like that, you're under his spell again. One of the women he manipulates. You shake your head at yourself as you walk away, you can feel his eyes still staring at you from behind, it was a cold night and the rain had just stopped, the ground was wet and the faint smell of dew that made the night more gloomy than it should be. You put the collar of your raincoat up for warmth, that was when you heard a sound of someone running behind you and it gets closer and closer, you turn around and..

It's Seb, he quickly gives you a kiss on your seemingly chapped lips. It was long, and relaxing, you almost feel like falling in his arms but he pulls away, and plants a kiss on your forehead, he whispers "I love you, believe me, that part is true."

And he pulls away, smiling apologetically at you, and turns away, walking to the opposite direction. You stand there, shocked and confused. But you smiled, because you believed him.. your naive self believed a womanizer like him. And once again, just like that, he doesn't just have you under his spell, he's got you on his personal leash.


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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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