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Bradford Coulin glared at his father and pulled Elizabeth Perkins closer.

"Father, I refused to listen to any more insults. I love Lizzy and we are getting married."

His father, glanced at them both with cold disdain before he turned away, facing the overwhelming view of the city through the


Bradford rubbed the shoulder of his girlfriend reassuringly, murmuring words of encouragement.

"Bradford, you can't be serious, " his mother exclaimed in distraught. His mother turned towards Elizabeth with a pleading look.

Elizabeth buried her face in her boyfriends shoulder, turning away from Bradford's mother look of distraught.

"What will people think? What will they say? We took you in and raised you like our own daughter, Elizabeth?" His mother cried.

"You're both practically related, this is unacceptable. If you go through with this, I will disinherit you," his father threatened with his

back still turned.

"Thomas, do you think that's wise," his mother questioned.

Elizabeth gazed up at Bradford, uncertain. She clutched the small belly the large coat kept hidden. Bradford covered her hands

reassuringly. His mother followed their hands and uttered a sharp mournful sound, which was muffled by a handkerchief she had.

"Is she," she started, "pregnant."

"Yes, we're having a child. Sir, do what you must." Bradford gave his parents one last look. "We'll be leaving as this arguing can't be

good for the baby. We'll never darken up your footsteps again."

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