devin booker ↠ no time, like family time

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for: PrincessSymmie

"Come on girls, it's bath time, let's go." Symone looked out the window of her bedroom, and saw the sun starting to set, indicating it was getting late.

Her four year old twin girls, Valerie and Victoria, were busy watching the Princess and the Frog for what felt like the 10th time that day. The two were absolutely obsessed with Tiana, so their eyes were always glued to the screen whenever they watched the movie.

She would never get over how adorable they were, probably due to the fact that they basically inherited everything from her. The twin girls were almost completely identical to their mother. From their thick, curly hair, all the way to their beautiful brown eyes. The only thing they got from their father, most commonly Valerie, was their stubbornness.

Watching Disney movies was Symone's way of getting the girls' mind off of their father, Devin Booker, who was constantly traveling. It was hard for the girls being away from their father often, but they were getting better with coping with it.

When they were younger, they would throw tantrums any time their father had to travel for road games. The back to back road games and road trips were the most difficult for them. Valerie and Victoria even came to the conclusion that their father didn't love them enough to stay with them all the time, and that broke Symone and Devin's heart.

She missed her husband as much as the girls did, but she didn't have any power over the situation. After all, she knew what she was getting herself into when she married the Suns' superstar and had his kids.

"I don't wanna bath, I wanna watch the movie!" Valerie crossed her arms and glared at her mother, showing she didn't want to move.

Her sister Victoria was the more obedient one, and walked her way to the bathroom without complaining.

Symone kneeled down to Valerie's level and looked into her brown eyes. "While you bath, we can sing the songs from the movie. Deal?"

Her daughters face brightened up as she said this. Valarie ran into the bathroom to tell her younger sister, by 7 minutes, the news.

"Mommy said that we can sing the songs from the movie while we bath!"

"Yay! I really want to sing Down in New Orleans!" Victoria clapped her hands in excitement.

As Symone walked in and started the bath water, she couldn't help but laugh at the fact the girls were now arguing about who looked more like Tiana.

What would she ever do without her girls?


Devin was pulling his luggage as he walked away from the airport, with his phone in his hand and his earphones in. He sent a text to Symone, notifying her that he'd be home soon.

Devin: I'm leaving the airport, I'll be there in no time, can't wait to see you and the girls. I love you.

He tucked his phone back in his pocket, and walked to the parking lot to find his car.

He had been away for almost two weeks, being the Suns were on a 6 game road trip. He was completely drained of his energy, and he couldn't wait to go home to his beautiful wife and kids.

Speaking of his wife, he still had not received a response from her. He was driving, and although he did not want to distract himself from the road, he still had to glance at his phone every couple of minutes.

He turned his radio on, and listened along to Exchange by Bryson Tiller.

This what happen when I think about you
I get in my feelings, yeah
I start reminiscing, yeah
Next time around, fuck, I want it to be different, yeah
Waiting on a sign, guess it's time for a different prayer
Lord, please save her for me, do this one favor for me

As he was listening along to the song, thoughts of Symone filled his mind. He really did love her, and he felt like the luckiest man alive whenever they were together. She and their children meant the absolute world to him. He couldn't thank God enough for saving Symone for him.

The young basketball superstar pulled up to the driveway of his home, gathered his belongings, and unlocked the front door. He was hoping to be greeted by her bright smile and beautiful face, but he was wrong.

Where is she? He thought to himself. Where are the kids?

He at least expected Valerie and Victoria to run up to him with their usual exclaims of "Daddy's home!" but this time, he was greeted by silence.

Devin set his suitcase by the couch in the family room, and checked the different rooms in the house.

"Symone! Valerie! Victoria!" He called out, but there was no answer. That's weird.

He checked every room on the main level, and grew more worried as he climbed the staircase to the second level. At the back of his mind, he was contemplating calling 911, but he would check every floor of the house before jumping to that conclusion.

Sweat began to form on his palms as he turned the doorknob to the bedroom the belonged to his little girls. "Oh my God." He said in a worried tone when he realized they weren't there.

As he exited their room, he heard a voice singing. It was very faint, but loud enough for him to recognize the sound belonged to Symone.

The singing grew louder as he followed the voice down the hall and into his and Symone's bedroom. He slowly opened the door to their bathroom, and saw the sight of his girls in the bathtub, with his wife singing to them.

In the South Land there's a city
Way down on the river
Where the women are very pretty
And all the men deliver
They got music
It's always playin'
Start in the day time, go all through the night
When you hear that music playin'
Hear what I'm saying, it make you feel alright

Devin leaned on the doorframe, and watched in awe as his wife sang gracefully to the delight of his twins.

The girls were so captivated by her singing, they hadn't even realized their father was standing right there.

Grab somebody, come on down
Bring your paintbrush, we're paintin' the town
Honey, there's some sweetness goin' 'round
Catch it down in New Orleans
We got magic, good and bad
Make you happy or make you real sad
Get everything you want, lose what you had
Down here in New Orleans

Devin smiled and clapped as his wife's singing came to an end, also making his presence known to them.

"Daddy! You're home!" The girls tried desperately to get out of the tub, but their mother didn't want them to soak up the floor.

"Now girls, I know you're excited, but I don't think Daddy wants to be all wet by you two."

Symone dried the girls off, wrapped a towel around each of them, and then allowed them to run up to their father and give him a hug.

"Oh man, I missed you girls so much!" Devin had thrown both Valerie and Victoria over both of his shoulders, and earned giggles from them during the process.

Symone walked up to him and gave him a kiss, it felt so great to have his lips on hers again.

The young family stood there in the bathroom, savouring each other's presence, not wanting to break the adorable family moment.

There was nothing like having them all together again, because of the fact that there's no time, like family time.

This was super cute, hope you guys enjoyed ☺️💗

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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