Please accept him

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You were hiding behind a pillar. You and Zuko agreed that this is something he needs to do himself, but you would be there just in case.

"Hello, Zuko here." Zuko started. You facepalmed/cringed. Why Zuko why?

"Hey, I heard you guys flying around up there, so I just thought I'd wait for you here." Zuko put his arms out in surrender. Appa started licking him.

I know you must be surprised to see me here." Zuko started.

"Not really, since you've tracked us all over the world." Sokka said. It was nice to hear there voices again.

"Right...Well...Uh... Anyways, well what I've come to tell you about is that I have changed, and I'm good now, and also I can teach firebending, too you." Zuko said to Aang. Yes Zuko, keep going. Your doing great.

"You wanna what now?" You heard Toph's surprised voice.

"You can't possibly think that any of us would trust you can you? Besides, where's YN. She's my best friend but I still think she was stupid to love you." Katara snapped. Ok I guess he wasn't doing as good as I thought.

"Yeah, all you've ever done is try to hunt is down, capture Aang and take YN from us." Sokka said. You quickly came out from behind your pillar.

"Ok guys, chill. I'm ok." You said putting your hands up in defense.

"And I've done some good things! I could have stolen your bison in Ba Sing Se, but I set him free!" Zuko said defensively.

"Appa does seem to like him. And YN seems to be ok." Toph said.

"Yeah I've never been better." You said.

"He probably just covered himself in honey or something so Appa can lick him. I'm not buyin it. Besides, if Zuko were really good, he would be dating YN. It's no secret they both like each other." Sokk said.

"Ok. Me and Zuko aren't dating but that's something personal that's between me and Zuko." You said.

"I know it's hard for you to trust me, and I've made some mistakes in the past..."

"Like when you attacked our village." Sokka said.

"Like when you stole my mothers necklace and used it to track us down?" Katara said.

"Like when you almost killed me." You mumbled so no one would hear you. You and Zuko still weren't on the best of terms. You weren't sleeping in the same sleeping bag like you would. He doesn't call you pretty anymore.

"Look, I admit I've done some awful things, I shouldn't have tried to hunt you, and I shouldn't have attacked your tribe. And I shouldn't have sent that firenation assassin after you." Zuko said.

"What?! You sent combustion man after us?" Sokka shouted.

"Hang on, you sent an assassin after them?!" You shouted.

"Well that's not his name..." Zuko trailed off, completely ignoring you.

"Oh, I'm sorry I insulted your friend." Sokka mocked Zuko.

"He's not my friend!" Zuko said.

"That guy locked me and Katara in jail and tried to blow is all up!" Toph said.

Race to victory (Zuko x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now