Chapter 25- Vacation Part II

Start from the beginning

Taking a look around, the beach was filled with couples holding hand and walking down the beach while the sun was setting. Why is love so difficult? A shaky yawn escaped my mouth and I laid down watching the ocean as it glitters beautifully.

“Hello there” looking up, my eyes found an extremely hot guy grinning down at me sexily.

“Hi” I said smiling as I sat down and shook his hand.

“What’s a pretty girl doing here on the beach alone?” he asked sitting down next to me, our shoulders touching each other.

“Oh, my sister and I had a fight” I explained, pushing my hair away from my face because of the wind.

“I’m sorry” he said looking at me concern, I smile reassuringly in return.

“It’s fine, it’s a usual thing” I said wrapping my arms around my waist.

“You’re cold; you want to grab a drink or something? It’s much hotter inside than here” he said grabbing my hand before I could protest.

I giggled, “You know I have a boyfriend”

He let go of my hand and gave me an apologetic smile, “Sorry”

“It’s fine, my name is Callie by the way” I said as my eyes landed on a hut filled with teenagers, I’m guessing that’s the bar? The loud music blasted across the beach, and the disco light filled the room with beautiful lights. This place looks fun.

“I’m Anthony” he said smiling, leading me inside the bar.

When I stepped inside I notice a group of girls all crowded on the far corner of the bar, they were giggling and drinking. I couldn’t see who they were surrounding since the there were too much people. Just when I was about to follow Anthony to the table I saw Jenny who was leaning dangerously close to...

“Ty!” I cried, he didn’t look like himself. He was laughing and holding out a drink in his hand, spilling some of it on the floor. He was drunk!

“Hey you alright?” Anthony came up behind me but I ignored him and walked over to my drunken ex. I can’t believe him, it’s not like Ty to get drunk. Actually I didn’t even know he drink.

“Ty” I yelled grabbing his hands, but he shook it roughly away catching me off guard.

“What do you want?” he asked, his eyes opening and closing. Yup, he was drunk alright.

I ignored his question and pulled him up, hooking his arms around my shoulder I started walking towards the exit.

“Where do you think you’re going with my guy?” Jenny said holding on to the wall, trying to keep herself from falling.

“He’s not you’re guy, so back off” I hissed ignoring the stares we were getting.

“ No” she replied stubbornly hooking an arm on Ty’s free arm.

I let out an exasperated sigh and sat Ty on a chair, standing confidently in front of Jenny I gave her a small push. “Look here Jenny I’m really tired and all I want to do is sleep, so why not just go back to your girlfriends and let your little fantasy go. He’s not yours, he’s mine. You got that?” I yelled, it was silent and the only sound that was present was my harsh breathing. I don’t even care that I just humiliated myself in front of this people, and I’m too angry to even care that I just said that my ex boyfriend was mine. Jenny stood there embarrassed while I grabbed Ty and positioned him on my shoulder once again; I gave her one last glance before walking out.

“I’m dizzy” Ty whined, ending his sentence with a hiccup making my frown vanish. He’s so innocent, I can’t help but smile.

“And whose fault is that?” I asked feeling even more tired. I walked over the nearest beach chair and lay him there.

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