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Your pov

I don't always get hit on by random men, but tonight I have been, and I'm sick of it. I'm in the good part of the city, but there are still plenty of scum bags around here.

"Hey there pretty lady! Wanna go have some fun?" A deep voice asks me, from the alley way I'm walking past. As usual I just ignore and keep walking. I don't have anywhere to go or anything I need to do, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Hey lady don't ignore me when I'm talkin to yah!" He shouts into my ear, grabbing my arm. I try to push him away but I can't get out of his death grip. "Let go of me!" I shout at him. This just makes him laugh as he tries pulling into the alley he came from.

While I'm struggling to get away I hear shouting coming from near by. Oh no. What if it's security from the Stark Towers that were close to. If it is, I've gotta get out of here before one of them can turn me into shield for experimenting.

I turn my head slightly and see a tall blonde man running towards us from the entrance of the Stark Towers. Oh great just my luck. "Let her go this instant." He commands the scum whose dragging me away. Once the man gets to us he punches the guy across the face, causing him to lose his grip on my arm.

Just before I can run away, I get grabbed again, this time by the leg. Before I can fall and hit the ground someone has already caught me and is flying through the air with me in his arms. NO IVE BEEN CAUGHT! I squirm but nothing can get me out of this mans iron grip. (No pun intended. Well. Maybe it was intended.) The mystery man lands us on a balcony of one of the top floors in the Stark Towers, before turning to go back for the blonde friend. I catch a quick glance of him before he's out of sight.

So it was Iron man who brought me up here. Ugh. I've got to find a way out, without having to fly away. It'd be too easy to be caught. "Hey are you okay?" A woman calls to me from inside.

Quickly I turn, ready to fight off whoever it is trying to talk to me. She's in a tight suit, with short reddish hair. No way. Not this floor. Please not me. I see the avengers symbol on the wall and my heart drops. He brought me to the avengers floor. Where they all live. So that means the blonde man must've been Captain America. Black widow must be talking to me.

"Hey don't be scared. You're safe here. I'm Natasha, you can call me Nat. The man over there is Bruce, aka the hulk. Clint is over on the couch," she points to a man putting together a bunch of arrows, "the guy who brought you up here is Tony, which I'm sure you already know, and the blonde one is Steve." No way. They weren't locking me up. So far at least. They're actually being nice to me. That means they don't know what I am.

Out of no where a crashing sound erupts through the building. "Sounds like the rest of the gang is here.." Natasha says with a sigh. A red metallic man enters the room calmly, with a young looking girl, who must be my age, following close behind him. "This is Vision, and the girl is Wanda." They both give little waves and walk by with confused looks on their faces. Iron man, I mean Tony, lands on the balcony just as Steve and a brown haired man walk through the door.

Way too many people for my liking. That's what happens when you're an introvert. "Hi. Sorry to just kinda kidnap you like that." Steve says, sending a glare to Tony. "I'm Steve this is Bucky." He says to me kindly. The brown haired man just rolls his eyes and leaves the room. "Hi.... I'm (y/n)." I say quietly. "Well I'll be going then.." I say. Turning to the elevator.

"Not so fast. You're hurt." Tony says walking up beside me. He motions to large scratch mark going down my shin. I must've gotten it when Tony picked me up from the man while he still had hold of my leg.

They motion for me to sit on the couch next to Clint and Steve looks at the scratches. They had drawn blood. "I'm gonna have to clean these up so they don't get infected." He says to me. While he gets up to grab the first aid kit, Tony sits next to me.

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing walking around alone at 10 pm?" He asks me. "I was trying to get to the pizza place down the street for food.." I say. "Oh. Well we have food here. You are welcome to have some!" He says with a wink. Ugh. Why does he have to be like this.

"No thanks I'm fine. I'll get my own. Thanks though-" I say getting cut off by Clint.

"How the hell are you doing that?!" He shouts. Everyone looks at him, pointing to where the scratch marks are. They are flowing white, sealing shut on their own. Oh no I didn't kne I I could do this! Since when did I start having magical healing powers!

"Um.. I think you have some explaining to do (y/n).." Steve says with a concerning look. Everyone, except Bucky who was in his room, gathers around me waiting for me to explain.

"I uhhhhh.. I guess I'm not getting out of this one.. Well you see..-" CRASH

We all turn to see Thor standing on the balcony. "Lady (y/n)! I've found you!" Oh god not him!

"What the hell is going on here?" Natasha says sternly.

"Lady (y/n) and I used to be friends! It's been, what, two years?" Thor says loudly. That man can never speak quiet.

"I uh.. Was about to tell them all something." I say to him. He sits down and leans forward. "Tell as you wish."

"Okay.. Not even Thor knows about this but.." I release my wings and they all stop and stare at me, with mouths wide open. I decide I won't tell them about the mind reading part. It's too risky.

"Lady (y/n)... You're... An angel?" Thor asks me. He kneels down and looks back up at me. "It's an honor to be in your presence." He says. Why is he acting this way? Did he say I'm an angel?!

"Wait what. I don't know what I am!" I exclaim. Thor stands back up and starts to speak  to me. "You look exactly like what the legends describe. An angel from Valhalla. So very rare. It is said the most precious one was stolen from Valhalla and brought here to Midgard, around 10 years ago. She was the most glorious angel of all!" He says cheerfully. "I believe that to be you, lady (y/n), for you have the exact wings of this lost angel." I stand back shocked. "I need some air.." I say walking to the balcony. Everyone leaves me alone asking Thor why he's here and how Jane is doing, while I take in everything I've just been told.

"So you're the angel huh?" A voice says from behind me. "It's an honor to be in your presence, lady (y/n)." The voice says. I turn around and in the corner of he balcony is a man, with slicked back black hair, and green gold and black armor on, in the same style as Thors.

"I am Loki, Thors 'brother'. " he tells me. I already know he is. I back up and he chuckles. "Do not be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you. You're to precious. I'd surely be executed." He steps towards me out of the shadows. I hide my wings and keep calm. I can't show my fear.

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