Tasting Jeremy 2.0 (BoyxBoy)

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© 2014 by Tiara Welch. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be duplicated or transferred in any form or by any means whether be electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other prototype, without previously written permission from Tiara Welch.

Matthews p.o.v

I've always know I was adopted. Well ever since I was in grade five and learned about what sex and pregnancy was. Two boys could not have a child, and if the could, my one father Owen Williams would have been already. I guess with me saying that gives the whole thing away about me having two dads: Tyler and Owen Williams.

But that's not the only part, I go to Mark Bennet High as a grade eleven student. I have one best, best friend and his name is Jeremy Goode. He plays soccer for our schools team in hopes to get noticed and hopefully play for other bigger, better teams. Tyler had told me once that Jeremy was the first person I invited to one of my first actual parties that I was able to invite people I knew from school to, which was in grade one, and that he was the only person I wanted to sleep over that night also. It wasn't that much of a surprise knowing that because how I feel about him now.

But then he switched schools in grade 3 and went to a private school because it had the best academy for soccer and his parents were pretty rich. But that all changed when his parents got divorced about two years later and his dad won custody of him and they moved out of the house his parents owned together in the gated community and into the one next to mine which was gated by a small white picket fence. We united excitedly, walking into our elementary school for grade 6, side by side.

Jeremy had admitted to me many times that he liked it here better even though the house was smaller and he was taken out of the private school. He told me his dad didn't like him in that school either because it was all boys, not that he had a problem with gays or anything because he was friends with both of my dads, but he was worried about Jeremys well being because off all those stories, made up or real, about teachers in private schools.

Being neighbours with Jeremy came with many perks, when he got into an argument with his dad, or just wanted some time to think-and vice versa-he would come to my house, or I would go to his.

But now in the present, Jeremy and I have grown equally as big, Jeremy a bit more... Wild, which I blame his girlfriend he has been with for about five months. I think she is a controlling little twat, but I would never tell Jeremy that because he claimed he "loved" her, and I respected that, no matter how much it hurts to hear, and still now I think the only reason his girlfriend wants to stay with him is because of his looks. Different than my dirty blond hair and green eyes, Jeremy had a much more even hair colour that was chocolate brown with a pair of deep blue eyes to match. Beautiful.

His girlfriend was pretty too I guess. She had red flaming hair, pale green eyes, and a pale complexion to go with it, he brother Tyson was on the soccer team as well as Jeremy. They were twins. But aside from that, I thought she was really clingy and whinny, but who am I to judge, I guess that's what Jeremy likes though since he is still with her, I guess. I don't think she has came between our friendship that much, he has cancelled events he had planned with my once, or twice, but he would always make it up to me after.

Jeremy was the popular out of the both of us, while I was the brains. I was socially awkward, and don't like telling people about myself, but who does? Jeremy would more than half the time force me to meet him at the lunch table that consisted of all his soccer buddies. Even though I would just like it two be us.

Going into high school, Tyler had a big talk with me about how he didn't want me to end up big headed, like half the hood rats at my school. I personally believe it has something to do with him, maybe even Owen when they were younger, but they don't really share that far back of information with me, unless it is just pictures of them before I was born, or still in the womb. But I was told by Owen that they were high school sweet hearts. Being 37 and 36 now, they gotten married when Tyler was nine-teen, making Owen one year younger. And they adopted me when they were either 21, or 22.

Even though having two dads may be weird, they do their best with not showing too much affection towards each other while I'm in the room. But when I had gotten older, they stopped being so hidden. I've seen them going at it when I in grade 7. I was sent out every Saturday to go have a sleep over either with Jeremy or one of my other friends from school.

It was Jeremy that had explained to me what they were doing when I came and told him at school the next day. I was told the reason Tyler was on top of Owen, the reason Owen was making the weird groaning sounds and Tyler these loud and obnoxious grunting and everything.

Sex. They were having sex. But me and my innocent brain thought it was Tyler hurting Owen, so I was locked in the bathroom for the rest of the night, not letting any of them in until they had to call the last resource and called Jeremy the next day after he came home from soccer practice. I opened the door for him.

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