Chapter 1: Meet Jordan

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~Jordan POV~

I looked in the mirror as I straightened my pink and white striped tie around my neck, completing my new school uniform. Today was the first day of school at Slag Boarding School, an all
girls boarding school for 9th-12th grades in New York that I would be attending for my last 3 years of high school.

I lived in Vermont, so I had to drive for 3 hours to get there. I grabbed a brush and tried to tame the redish-brownish, curly, frizzball that is my hair, but gave up and decided to straighten it and tie it back in a ponytail. I finished my hair and walked out into the hall, where I had left my backpack and suitcases after packing them the night before.

"Jordan, are you ready?" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

I took a deep breath, trying to gather all my confidence. I was nervous. I didn't want to leave my familiar home, where I had lived and been homeschooled all my life.

I especially didn't want to leave my friends from theatre. I had so many friends from the theatre I took classes at who I was more comfortable around than anybody else.

Also, I didn't want to leave because the boy I liked was back at the theatre I was leaving. His name was Franklin, but we called him Frankie. He was cute, a little nerdy, and super funny. I had his number and all my friend's numbers, so I'd be able to stay in touch, but it wouldn't be the same.

"I guess. I'll be right down." I replied. I grabbed by bags, walked down the stairs,  into the garage, and loaded them in the trunk.

••••3 hours later••••

I finally got to the school. It was a huge building that looked old, sort of Victorian.

I got my bags out of the car, hugged my mom, and said goodbye. I had a break in two months, so I said I would see her then.

A man who worked at the school came to help me with my bags as I walked into the school. I checked in at the office and received my room key and schedule. Dorm 5-F would be my home for the next three years.

The man walked me to the elevator as we rode up to the fifth floor, the top floor. When we reached the top, I thanked him, took my bags, and starting looking at the labels on each door.

I turned to the right,  passed the science lab, library, nurses office, and dorms 5-A through 5-E before finding my room at the end of the hall.

I heard a noise coming from inside, so I knew one of the girls I would be staying with already arrived, I began fiddling with the lock and realized that the noise was reciting something out loud.

"I know you don't know your children, but you've got to. Take Liesl- Liesl isn't a child anymore..." 

I knew that scene! It was a part from the Sound of Music. A classic that everyone knew. I just had to join in.

I opened the door and saw she was walking around the room while reciting from memory. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. She looked about a year or two older than me.

"And if you keep treating her as one, Captain, you're going to have a mutiny on your hands." I join in.

The girl reciting turned around. "Oh my god! You also love the Sound of Music. Is this your dorm? I cant wait to be dorm buddies! ZEV! COME IN HERE OUR FIRST DORM BUDDY IS HERE!"

A girl that looked exactly like her came rushing in from the bathroom. I noticed that she was kicking around a soccer ball while listening to music from her headphones.

"Hey! I'm Zevvy and this is my sister, Natalie! We're identical twins. I CAN'T WAIT TO BE BEST FRIENDS! We should paint each others nails! Is that allowed here? I don't care. I'LL GO GET MY NAIL POLISH!"

When Zevvy came back in I decided to introduce myself. "Hey, I'm Jordan. I'm 14 and in 10th grade. I was homeschooled and got a year ahead."

Zevvy burst out. "We're in 10th grade too! Lets compare schedules!"

I had science with Zevvy, math and Phys Ed with Natalie, and free period at the same time as both of them.

"So, is this your first year here?" I asked them.

"Yeah!" They both replied. "TWINX!" They screamed and started nudging each other in the side until it turned into an all-out tickle war. 

I had to giggle at how outgoing and fun they both were. It reminded me of some of my theatre friends.

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