Young reaper

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Name: Lukas Advocate 
Tittle: devil's advocate
Age: 18
Gender: male
Powers: raising the dead, taking mortal/Demon souls (after they die of course), giving life if needed
Strengths: talking, protecting life
Weakness, demon blood
Likes: calm quiet places, music,
Dislikes: war, to much death, cleaning
Weapon: scythe, reaper claws
(Thought I try something new)
Backstory: when Lukas was young he was obsessed with being a 'good person' but as he followed down this path he started to see how good people are treated, he sore how weak they are soon after he followed a darker path kill, claiming and leaving different soles before finally deciding to stay in the middle of both good and evil but by that time he had already earned the name Devil's advocate.
Scenario: make it up

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