Forest Adventures

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Addie was tired of all the studying and the tournament. So she decided to go for a run in her marten form that afternoon. It would be dangerous, but at least it'll help her relax. As she got ready to leave she remembered she hadn't written to Sirius in awhile.

So she got out a piece of parchment along with quill and ink. She told him what had been happening since she had last written to him. Which was after the World Cup, so she had a lot to tell him. Once she finished the letter, she went to the Owlery to find Brian. As he wasn't with her like he usually is.

She saw Fred and George, they were heading to the Owlery themselves, to order more supplies to make more joke products she presumed. Addie hadn't been able to help them, because she had been so busy lately. With studying, her private lessons and helping out with the tournament. They understood and said that they were doing just fine on their own.

When they got to the Owlery Addie saw Brian sleeping next to Hedwig. She called him down as the twins used a school owl. When he landed on her waiting arm she lead him to the window where the twins were. She gave him the letter and told him it was for 'Snuffles'. Brian knew who she was talking about and left to the letter.

As they left the Owlery Fred asked who she was writing to. She lied and said she writing to her parents. They didn't question her farther as they went their separate ways. Addie told them she was going to the library to study.

But she went to the forest instead and once she was sure no-one would see her. She checked the time seeing it was 1 o'clock in the afternoon, before she changed into her marten form quickly. Then stretched her muscles swishing her tail before running into the forest at a sprint.

(A few hours later)

Addie had ran the first hour and then decided to test her climbing skills. She followed a herd of black winged horses (Thestrals) after spotting them from climbing a tree. She didn't disturb them just followed them around for awhile, before she grew thirsty. So she went to go find some water using her advanced hearing.

When she found a clearing with a small stream of fresh water. She went to have a drink before looking to the sky. And judged that it was around four in the afternoon now. So she had two hours before she had to go to the castle for dinner.

She decided to take a nap in a patch of sun. As she was curled up and about to sleep however. There was the sound of a tightening string and she jumped off her rock. As an arrow shot passed her, she got in a defensive position hissing.

But relaxed when she saw it was a centaur she knew as Firenze. She changed back into her human form raised her hands. As he was about to shot at her again. When Firenze saw who it was he put the bow away and said. "Are you crazy young one? I could of killed you, why are you even in the forest alone? I told you never to come here alone in your first year."

"I'm sorry Firenze, it was busy at school and I wanted to get away for a few hours" Addie replied while looking at her feet. She hated making people upset or when someone is angry with her. The centaur sighed and walked over to her place a hand on her shoulder.

"I am not angry at you, I wish you would just be more careful. You make an excellent marten" he complemented as she lifted her head.

"Thank you Firenze, can you please not tell anyone at the school about me being able to do that. I could get in a lot of trouble if you did" Addie told the centaur. He chuckled and nodded as he removed his hand from her shoulder. Addie remembered another thing he had promised her in her first year at Hogwarts.

So for the next hour she asked him questions about centaurs. He answered all of them, until he told her it time for her to leave. Firenze carried her in marten form to the tree line near Hagrid's hut. Where they said their goodbyes to each other. Addie promised never to go into the forest alone again without telling him. Then she went to the dining hall for dinner and went to bed afterwards. Because she was so tired after her little adventure in the forest.


Picture of the forest clearing above

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