Fairy tale chapter 1

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Ahh Magnolia ( sorry if I spelt that wrong ) such a breathtaking place I thought in my mind Y/N were here said Starfire. Starfire is my exceed who has teal fure and white were her chest was. Yay! I screamed I'm the queen of dragon's but I keep it a secret and say I'm a elementdragon slayer so nobody knows, I'm really powerful I defeated a whole dark guild By myself I hope that Fairy Tale was powerful and full of job's like everyone said I knew one thing that while I'm here nobody will win my heart and I promise myself that. Hey Y/N are yoy hoping that Fairy Tale is very strong and has ton's of job's because I am says starfire smiling OF COURSE I AM!  I screamed happily and cute boys to starfire says smirking and wiggling her eyebrow. NO NO NO I dont want anyone I don't want anyone cause I know they can't win my heart but and this is a but if they did they have to be cool and calm and nice and strong I said giving starfire a glare she knew I didn't want anyone. And he has to be good in bed said starfire laughing her butt off YEAH RIGHT! We see Fairy Tale I took a breath open the doors then in a blink of a eyebrow I see a flying table I glance at it and said a quick spell and it cut into 2 


Me and Natsu were fighting " Hey flame brain next time on our job you try not to kill us with your fire idiot I screamed angrily Shut up ice stripper said Natsu then he through a table but I easily dodge it then I notice a girl with a hood coming in ( sorry that I didn't say earlier your wearing a black cloat with a hood to not show your face Since every guy went over heels for you witness just a glance ) I bet that going to hurt then all the sudden it shredded into 2 she just glanced at it and it broke it was cool and crazy at the same time she must have came here to join Fairy Tale everybody was looking at her 


once I destroyed the table everybody was looking at me and it was quiet I notice a hot guy with his shirt off and it was showing his 6 pack I blushed but I needed to focus I headed towards the bar I saw a white haired girl she was beautiful I went up toward her what can I get for you today she asked um how can I join Fairy tale?  Oh let me get master for you she headed toward the stairs then a tiny man child came down and sat on the bar " child what's your name?  He asked it's Y/N midnight I replied "what power do you use he asked I thought should I tell him I mean he is the master I went up to his ear and whisper please don't tell anyone but I am the queen of dragons I know every dragon slayer power. When I stood back up his eye's were wide and he nodded " Welcome to Fairy Tale go to Mira so you can get your stamp he said I nodded and headed towards her " I would like my stamp please I said "sure what color and where? She asked I would like it in ( color ) and a outline of (color ) and I would liked it where my heart is I said she stamps me " Welcome to Fairy Tale " she said I take a few steps then a salmon haired boy took off my hood I looked at him with shocked his eye's sparkle YOUR SO BEAUTIFUL HE SCREAMS everbody looked at us.my beautiful long ( hair color ) swayed back and forth then the whole guild screamed she so beautiful! Then their eyes wonder down to look at my body then my boobs they screamed again SHE SO HOT!  I rolled My eye's then gave the pink haired dude a glare. Anyways Since your new here I want to fight you I look at hin with no emotion I don't want to waste my time other magic on the likes of you I said coldly he looks at me then full swings try to punch me then I disappeared " where did she go said the pick haired boy then I whisper I'm over here, then I punch him with no magic " you see I have incredible speed it looks like I disappeared I said coldly looking at the pink hair boy I knew everbody was looking at me I walk out then I saw statfire waiting for me "WHY DIDN'T YOU GO IN THERE STARFIRE!  I screamed angrily Well I got scared Y/N  said starfire nervously "GO IN THERE AND GET YOUR STAMP I'LL WAIT HERE KNOW GO I SAID ANGRILY Fine fine said Starfire  the guild *sigh * what a long day I waited a few minutes Then Starfire comes out happily "Im now a member of Fairy Tale she said happily I smile starfire let's go so we can look for houses I said smiling OK! She screams we started walking then someone grabbed my hand "Hey let go of my hand I said angrily I turn around and it was.... 


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