“Is this okay?” he whispered, pulling away slightly.

“Yeah,” I breathed, tangling my fingers in his hair. “Now shut up and kiss me.”

Louis groaned in frustration as his cell phone ringing broke through the peace. 

“Damn it,” he muttered. “Somebody better be dying.”

A giggle escaped my lips as Louis reached behind my head for his phone on the side table. 

“Hello?” he growled into the phone.

His face was impassive for a moment, but it soon turned into a look of annoyance.

“Fine, I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” he sighed. 

“What’s going on?” I asked as he hung up. 

“I have a teacher conference with the rest of the staff in 5 minutes,” he stood up. “Will you be okay here while I’m gone?”

“Sure,” I waved him off. “Do you mind if I explore the campus for a while?”

“No problem,” he said. “Just one thing.”

“Wha-?” I was cut off as Louis pulled me close and ran his nose along my neck while crushing me in a hug.

“Now you’ll have my scent on you to scare any idiots off,” he smirked before disappearing out the door. 


The corridors were dimly lit so late in the night as I walked past my future classrooms. All the doors were enormous and made of the finest oak, while the classrooms inside held an old world elegance. 

I was trying to peer into a chemistry lab when I felt the air shift behind me.

“What are doing out by yourself?” the deep voice sent shivers up my spine. 

“Harry,” I spun around. “Louis had a meeting; why aren’t you there?”

“Teachers only,” he murmured, corning me into the door. “You should be more careful; never know who will be out here at night.”

“And why are you out here?” my breath hitched as his piercing green eyes bore into mine.

“Just patrolling the campus for any trouble makers,” he smirked. “Louis’ scent is all over you.”

“What’s it to you?” I glared slightly. 

“His scent is on you, but it’s not a part of you,” he pressed his nose to the side of my neck and inhaled, sighing. “He hasn’t made a claim yet.”

“Louis’ waiting until I say so,” I resisted the urge to tangle my fingers in his hair.

“And why are you making him wait?” Harry lifted his head to stare at me. “Having second thoughts about him?”

“No,” I shoved him slightly, but Harry stood firm. “It’s just a big commitment and I want to be sure.”

“If you’re not sure about him,” Harry breathed. “I would be happy to claim you.”

“You don’t even know me,” I insisted, trying to squirm away. 

“I know more than you think,” Harry smirked. “I can smell it in your blood. You’re special, and I can appreciate you more than Louis ever could.”

“Can I go back to my apartment please?” I sighed tiredly. 

Harry eyed me for a second before bringing his lips to his own wrist. 

“What are you-?” my question was cut off as Harry brought his bloody wrist close to my face. 

The scent hit me full force in only seconds and I staggered slightly on my feet. Harry’s blood smelled like the finest wine you could imagine mixed with the most exquisite fruit on the planet. Now I see why people get addicted to vampire blood.

“Go ahead,” he encouraged. “Drink; I know you want to.”

I shook my head. “I don’t want to be claimed by you.”

“Then I won’t drink your blood in return if you don’t want me to,” he said. “Just drink as a peace offering. Humans rarely get the chance to drink straight from the source.”

“What’s the catch?” my eyes narrowed. 

“No catch,” he smiled. “Have you ever tasted vampire blood?”

“Well no-” he bite his wrist again. 

“Then trust me that this is a gift,” he said. “I want us to start over.”

The smell of his blood was overwhelming my senses and I found my mouth watering thinking of actually tasting it. 

“Just don’t tell Louis,” I muttered. 

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he smirked, holding his wrist to my mouth.

I opened my mouth and latched onto his wrist greedily, nearly groaning as the sweet warmth filled my mouth. My legs almost gave out at the heavenly taste, but Harry easily caught me around the waist before pulling me closer, murmuring words of encouragement. I reluctantly pulled away after swallowing a few mouthfuls and Harry swiped his thumb across my bottom lip to catch the excess. 

“So beautiful,” Harry murmured, stroking my sides through my t-shirt. 

My cheeks burned with the praise and Harry smiled tenderly. 

“Louis will be done with his meeting soon,” he stepped away. “I’ll see you later.”


I didn’t expect to have a dream about Harry the night before my first day of college. 

Our lips slid together easily, the air crackling with electricity as his hands skimmed down my back. My hands tangled into his curly hair while he picked me up effortlessly. 

“I love you,” he murmured.

“I love you too,” I breathed. 

When I awoke in a sweat, I certainly didn’t expect to miss the dream. The longing flared up in my chest and tears filled my eyes. 

Why am I feeling this way?

Louis would be mine the second I asked him to.

He’s such a good guy. 

But maybe Louis and I aren’t meant to be. 


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