part 2

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Zoe ran as fast as she could until she reached familiar surroundings and made her way back home she barged through the front.
"MUM" Zoes screams as she enters the house.
Zoe's mum was pacing the living room when Zoe burst through the door.
"Where the HELL where you?!" Screamed her mum in a panic .
"And where is your brother?"
"Mum! He attacked me! He tried to hurt me!" Zoe cried but her mother wasn't listening.

She opens her mouth to tell her daughter to go to her room when the front door swung open and stood there was Jason his eyes their usual colour of hazel but still distant and his skin still pale and dripping with sweat. " I am phoning you father" their mum says calmly
"I,I am sorry Z,Zoe that w,wasn't m,me" Jason says as he places his hand over his ears "let me have control" a disimbodied male voice whispers "AHHHHH SHUT UP" Jason screams and trmebles harder he closes his eyes tight then when he opens them again their glowing bright red.

"Mum" Zoe screams
"Hold on i am on the phone" mum replies as she heads for the stairs.
"I have control" Jason says in a deeper voice that isnt his own.
"No you don't Ra go away" Jason says sounding himself
"Mum" Zoe says wearily.

Jasons eyes go back hazel as their mum comes back down stairs.
"Leave ME alone Ra" Jason screames and falls into the fetal position.

"Jason are you ok?" zoe says in concern
"I am not Jason! My name is Ra" An unfamiliar rough voice came from her brother mouth
"Oh no this isn't right you need help Jason" mum says in concern and aproches her son cautiously
"Do not call me JASON!" The voice shouted again raising his arms out to stop her from coming closer
"Your father will be home soon Jason. Zoe go to your room! Your brother is sick" their mum says as she places a firm hand in her sons shoulder
"Do not place your hand on me, you filthy peasant! How dare you speak to me like that!" Jason shouts pushing his mother back forcefully her head smacked against the wall hard.

"AHH GET OUT OF MY HEAD" Jasons voice goes back to his normal tone for a moment "NOO I BELONG HERE NOW" Jason voice deepens to an unfamiliar and become Ra again
"Don't hurt my family PLEASE I BEG YOU" Jason says pleadingly in his normal tone as his eyes glow red for a moment before turning back to hazul but his voice deepens
"I will do as l please with your family and there is nothing you can do to stop me your a weak human."

Jasons mum sits up "Jason I will get you the help you need ok... wait till your father is home he can drive you to... the hospital" she says weakly.

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