I was back at the apartment again packing a bag for at least three days. There was then a knock on the door, I zipped my bag, and headed to the door, I opened it and came face to face with Kells. He doesn't get the word 'stay away' does he.

"What's up?" I asked, standing in the way so he couldn't let himself come in. At least not yet.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing," Kells said.

"I'm fine... Thanks for asking," I said about to close the door, but Kells stopped it.

"Can I come in?" he asked. I don't see this going down the right road, but maybe I could be wrong. With a sigh I stepped aside opening the door more. Kells stepped inside.

"Thirsty?" I asked him.

"No, I'm good, but thanks anyways," he said. Having Kells in the apartment had me all worked up.

"Well, I'm getting water... You sure you don't want anything?" I asked him again, he nodded and I hurried to get a cup of water. I came back and Kells was sitting on the couch.

"Where is Andy?" he asked me.

"Work." I said.

"Did he find you last night?" he asked me, I nodded, "Good. I told him where you had gone," he added, "You mind if I smoke?" he asked, I shook my head, and pulled out a cigarette, "Want one?" he asked me, I took another sip of water. I nodded. "Okay, well don't just stand there, come here," he said, I slowly walked over to him and sat down next to him. He gave me a stick and I put it between my lips, and he lit it.

"Thanks," I whisperd.

"So, what are you and Andy anyways?" Kells asked.

"I-uh... I'm not sure," I said with a shrug.

"Strange. Andy is a total asshole," Kells said shaking his head.

"I could say the same thing about you," I told him, he laughed.

"I bet you can... But I didn't set him up, when I didn't do shit. I tried to help." Kells complained.

"Says the one that drugged me..." I said rolling my eyes.

"Says the one addicted," he shot back.

"You can stop," I told him.

"Hey, I'm addicted too," he said.

"To what?" I asked.

"Drinking, drugs, parties... You name it. Sex," he added, I rolled my eyes, Andy is addicted to sex. "My mom was a total whore," Kells said frowning.

"Mine cheated on my dad..." I told him.

"Same." he said shaking his head.

"That's weird... Who ever thought we would have the same kind of story?" I asked him.

"Meant for eachother maybe," he said. I laughed, but shook my head.

"No, not meant for each other... Just I don't know we understand each other better," I told him.

"Do you at least find me good looking?" he asked. My face heated, and I looked around in hopes that Andy wasn't about to pop out.

"I mean... You aren't ugly." I said with a slight laugh.

"Oh come on, no scale?" he asked.

"9..." I said.

"Just a nine?" he asked with laugh.

Remain My Drug, My DesireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora