Ferris Wheel

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"Just wait here, okay." Vitaly, Madelynn's boyfriend said as he walked towards the restroom. She nodded her head as she sat on the bench with a stuffed puppy.

Madelynn had been dating Vitaly for a long while. He was one of the more popular boys at their school. But he wasn't a complete idiot. He was in two honors classes.

They had watched the sunset together at the fair. Vitaly had won Madelynn a plush dog at one of the games.

Madelynn was in pretty high spirits. She sat on that bench while she waited for Vitaly to come back. It got darker and darker. The passing minutes eventually turned into an hour. Vitaly had left. It was probably all a prank for his friends or something. Madelynn was fuming. But she was a rational person. Madelynn would not let this ruin her evening.

She went inside the restroom and calmed herself down in the mirror. She looked into her own almond shaped eyes and took deep breaths and convinced herself that Vitaly wasn't good enough for her.

When Madelynn had planned the trip, she had definitely wanted to go on the Ferris wheel at night with all its stunning neon colors. She had originally planned to go on it with someone special, but she could settle for enjoying the beauty herself.

Madelynn stood in the line with her ebony hair and ivory scarf billowing in the wind for a long time. When she finally reached the man letting people onto the Ferris wheel, she started to walk through the gate, until the man stopped her.

"I'm sorry miss, but, you must have a partner to go on the Ferris wheel. With only one person, the passenger car may be unbalanced."

A blank stare.

"Oh, um, yeah, that makes sense. I'm sorry to bother you." She started to walk away.

The man called after her, "I apologize for the inconvenience, miss!"

Madelynn walked back to the bench and stared and her feet, disappointed and devastated. She was not having a good day. Her boyfriend broke up with her and she couldn't even enjoy the simple pleasure of going on the Ferris wheel. She restrained from tears, but it was difficult.

. . .

Little did Madelynn know, one of her classmates was also at the fair. Lupus came to man the ring toss booth and decided to stay afterwards for all the wonderful food. Madelynn had a bit of a rivalry with Lupus. Lupus had always made fun of Maddelyn, though she had let Lupus copy her homework every once in awhile.

Lupus was about to head out from the fair until her amber eyes caught on something familiar. Madelynn Cooper crying was not a usual sight. Madelynn was always giving people the sassiest comebacks. She was definitely not the kind of person to be moping on a bench.

Lupus wasn't a heartless person or anything, but when she saw people that were upset, she usually just thought that they should get over it. It wasn't the end of the world, after all. But, when she saw Madelynn so depressed from her normal self, her heart softened a bit. Lupus walked up to her, "Hey, Cooper, why do you look like someone murdered your puppy?"

Madelynn looked up. "Oh, I've just been having a pretty bad day."

Lupus reluctantly sat down next to her. "Explain."

Madelynn took something out of her purse, it looked like a stuffed dog. "So the 'murdered puppy' thing wasn't an analogy?"

Madelynn laughed a little. "My boyfriend abandoned me here. And then, in an attempt to cheer myself up, I tried to go on the Ferris wheel, but I couldn't go because there has to be two people per passenger car." She sighed.

"Hey, any guy who gives up a girlfriend that he can cheat off is a total idiot." Madelynn giggled.

"I guess." She looked at the Ferris wheel longingly. Lupus cocked her head and thought for a while.

She finally said, "Hey, why don't we ride the Ferris wheel together?" Madelynn's eyes lit up. "Sure!" She exclaimed.

The walk to the Ferris wheel and the wait in the line was filled with a lot of 'thank you's and 'calm down its not that big of a deal, I didn't save your life, gosh's.

This time, when Madelynn walked through the gate she was not stopped. She and Lupus went around the Ferris wheel multiple times. There was quite a bit of Madelynn staring at the city until the wheel stopped at the top. The cart was right in the wind and Lupus' messy bun was undone by the strong breeze. Her auburn hair started sporadically flying around her face. They both laughed and Madelynn pushed the hair away from Lupus' face. This was then followed by both girls slumping down in their seats and their faces going as red as strawberries.

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