I Can't Stop thinking about her

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Khalil's P.O.V~

I make YouTube videos as my stress reliever, and I couldn't get that girl outta my mind. So I decided to make a YouTube video, I came up with the topic, I You Wanna Be My Girlfriend. I just wanted to do it in a comedy type thing, but I was thinking about making this girl my Girlfriend. But I knew that I have to get her attention and try and find a way we came can to know each other the right way. I was on the phone with my homeboys all night talking about this girl, they were crackin jokes talkin bout, "This girl really got you sprung like mufucka and you don't even know her name", said Ryan. Ryan was the jokey type, but he knew me better than anybody else. He really knew how serious I was about this girl, and he said, "Nigga if I talk to this girl you, will stop whining?", I have never been so happy about meeting a girl in my life, I knew this was my chance.

At first, We Were Bestfriends❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now