Chapter 2

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I was in a hospital. I was running down a dark hall. I kept running down the hall. The light was scary and dim. The building looked old and run down just like in the movies. Just like the old, scary hospitals in the horror movies. I looked back and saw doctors running towards me. They got closer and closer as I ran as fast as I could. 

"Get her!" The male doctor yelled. It seemed like he was yards away when they were really getting closer and closer by the second. His voice sounded just so distant. I couldn't understand why his yelling could barely meet my ears. I was running down the old hospital when the lights shut off and I was left in the complete darkness. I felt scared, terrified. What's gonna happen to me? I thought. 

I felt four hands grabe both of my arms. They squeezed my arms tightly. It hurt so much feeling them squeeze on my deep cuts. They pulled me through the darkness, backwards. I screamed to the top of my lungs, but nothing came out. Nothing. But I still tried as they pulled me into a room and closed the door. I gave up the screaming. The light was so bright in there. Especially since I just came out of the darkness. 

"Get her on the bed." he yelled at the female doctors that dragged me into room. They picked me up and I squirmed aruond.

"Don't do this to me!" I screamed. Nothing again, obviously. They stripped me down. 

"Look at these!" he yelled at me, pointing at me cuts on my legs. They got deeper and deeper the longer we looked at them. "You thought we wouldn't know! We found out!" he yelled. "WE FOUND OUT!"

"No! No! No!" I mouthed. Nothing, nothing came out! I didn't know what to do! It was as if imaginary knives were cutting deeper and deeper into my legs by the second. 

"You thought nobody was gonna know." he said. "But we found out! You just had to cut deeper didn't you?" I tried to get out but the women were just standing there holding me down and weren't going to let go anytime soon. I was hypervenitlatiing now. I couldn't let anyone know. I was sweating as he took some wire and a needle. Just as he was about to peirce my skin I woke up.

I was holding my arm and I was sweating so much. It terrified me to think that someone would find out. No one can find out about this. I'm not gonna let it happen. 

I looked at the clock. 2 o'clock. Time to call John. 

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