Chapter 20 - Not What I Expected

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"Well that sucks."

"Big time," Jake agrees.

"When do you go?"

"Sunday afternoon. Four o'clock."

Just as I'll be flying to Melbourne.

My stomach sinks and a huge obstruction wells in my chest, making me drag deep gulps of air into my lungs. I don't know what to say; I feel almost...bereft, and kind of...lost.

"I'm sorry."

I simply nod, not quite able to trust my voice, telling myself I'm being ridiculous to feel like a kid who has just discovered Santa is only a myth.

"It's going to be torture next week knowing you're in Melbourne and I'm not."

Yes, it is, dammit. It's torturous enough now and I've only just heard the news, let alone had to physically go through it. And it's in that moment, when I look at Jake and think about how much I have been looking forward to seeing him every day and now how very much I'll miss that opportunity, and him, that I realise a truth that's been staring me in the face just waiting to be acknowledged.

I love him.

"Mia?" Jake's voice draws me back to the present.


"You didn't respond; are you angry with me?"

He looks hesitant and worried and I long to wrap my arms around him and promise to never let him go; instead I do the next best thing and try to reassure him. "No, I'm not angry," I smile into his eyes, deciding that if I have to be without him for a few weeks, I need to enjoy every second he's here now. "Not unless you went into your boss and asked him to send you far away from the crazy mountains girl who keeps stalking you."

His answering grin lights up his face and I take a deep breath. Now that I know I love him, each word, each gesture, each look, seems somehow more...real. "Damn, you're on to me!" he teases, and we both laugh. His is a low, throaty rumble that sends tingles down to my fingers and without conscious volition I lean forward and capture his mouth with my own, nibbling lightly on his full lower lip. He immediately responds and we make out until my own lips feel swollen and tender and we're both gasping for air.

"So..." Jakes breaths.

"So..." I reply huskily.

"You have to be up early in the morning," he points out.

"I do."

"You should probably get to bed then."

"I should."

A finger runs along the bridge of my nose and over my sensitive lips. "And I should probably go with you – you know, to make sure you don't run into any trouble."

I struggle to hold back a smile. "You really should; I often run into trouble in the thirty paces between here and my bedroom."

"I thought as much," he grins, looking so adorable I can't help but kiss him again. This time he emits a low growl that reverberates all the way to my ovaries so when he stands and I'm suddenly in his arms rather than on his lap, I give my full attention to his neck, breathing in his scent and placing small nips and kisses from collar to earlobe as we head to my room. The little moans he gives ramp my need up a notch or three, so when he drops me gently into the middle of my bed, my arms are still firmly entwined around his neck and I don't let go. "Need some help undressing?" he whispers.

I simply nod, not moving my gaze from his. Nimble fingers work my jumper and tee up to my shoulders, at which point I reluctantly let go my grip on his neck so he can take them over my head. As soon as they're off I put my arms back around him and he gives a little smile. "I'm not going anywhere."

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