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The soft breeze gently blew against Kageyama's face and bangs as he peered up to see Hinata Shoyou, his classmate, resting his small back on a tall Sakura tree, reading that same book for the I-don't-know-how-many-eth-time this year.

"Hinata~" Cooed a short-haired brunette as she jogged her way over.

"Ginny!!" Hinata's face brightened up as he saw his best-friend's smiling face.

"Tch... Girl... Ruining my drawing..." Kageyama cursed the girl under his breath and began recalling a group of pigeons that looked in need of drawing, and began to make his way away from the scene.

"Oh, that? That's Kageyama-kun, my classmate!"

Kageyama twitched as he heard his name, trying desperately to seem as if he heard nothing. "Hmm...?" He turned, hoping not to catch Hinata's eye whilst keeping his act.

"Kageyama!!" Kageyama flinched, looked in Hinata's direction, shot him the glare Hinata knew so very well, and turned to keep walking.

His pace quickened as he heard Hinata's footsteps quicken behind him.
"I'm not interested in buying any girl-scout cookies!!" Kageyama hissed towards Hinata.

"And I'm not interested in selling any!! Ka-ge-ya-ma~~!!" Hinata yelled after him and began to speed up to a slow run.

Kageyama skidded to a stop and turned around in a huff. Hinata had his head down and couldn't see where he was going, so he tackled the tall boy to the ground.

"Mmphh... My head... Watch where you're going stupi-"

Kageyama's words were cut off with the sight of a slightly dizzy Hinata resting on top of his chest...

"So cute..." Thought Kageyama as he lifted his hand to touch...

"Hinata!!! Are you okay?!??" Kageyama pulled his and away and roughly tossed the small orange-haired boy off of him in a hurry. "I'm sure he's fine." Kageyama assured the short girl as she slowed her running, trying desperately to catch her breath.

"Goodness, Hinata don't scare me like that!! You could've been hurt or even-" Ginny stared at the boy, crouching down to face him.

"Hinata?" She started to frantically flap her hands and glanced up at Kageyama's cold eyes. "He's not waking up what do we-"

"Yahh!! Gotcha!!" Hinata toppled the girl over and began laughing hysterically. "Hinata!! You could've given me a heart-attack!! Never do that again!!" She squirmed under Hinata.

Hinata smirked and lifted himself off of her, placing his hands beside her head. "Why? Were you... Worried about me...?~" Hinata whispered, teasingly. "O-Of course not!! But..." Ginny glanced in Kageyama's direction.

"Humph." Kageyama began his walk, making sure to nudge Hinata over on his way. "Serves him right." Kags brought his sketchbook close to his chest, holding a death-grip upon it's sides. "See? A sketchbook is good for many things, but it will never hurt you..."

Soon, after walking a bit, Kageyama began to hear the coo's of the Town Square's pigeons.

"Now there's a scene worth painting..." Said Kageyama as he scanned the scenery. He searched for a spot amongst the many people surrounding the massive statue of a man whom's name was worn down to the point of not being able to read.

"Here..." Kageyama whispered as he set himself down on the soft patch of grass under a large tree. The cherry blossom trees that surrounded the large circle of cement with the statue symbolizing the middle waved with the wind.

Large amounts of petals fell, some making their way in between the locks of Kageyama's silky black hair.

Meanwhile, Hinata was being followed by Ginny whilst he looked for his teammate.

"Hinata, maybe we should stop... He doesn't seem to want to talk nor to be found... Plus it's boring... Wouldn't it be more convenient to just take me on a date instead?"

Ginny hissed her last sentence, annoyed with Hinata's actions.

"No." Hinata said, un-phased by her constant whining. "No??" Ginny hit her arms against her hips in a huff. "Why not?? I don't have time to spend it looking for this pretty friend of yours. If you wanna keep looking, don't expect to come back to me."

"Selfish." Hinata spoke under his breath. The short boy turned to face the slightly taller girl. "That's pretty damn selfish." The wind picked up the orange locks that fell on Hinata's face to reveal his dead serious face.

"Excuse me?? I'm your best friend, and you call me selfish?? You keep that up and you won't have any friends at all."

Ginny raised her voice against the simple words Hinata hissed.

"...If this is the true way Ginny acts, I don't think she was or would ever be my friend. She uses people, for their money, popularity, or body... You're not perfect, Ginny, so don't act so."

Ginny was taken aback by her sudden loss of a friend. A single tear ran down her cheek as she looked up slightly, then back down to face Hinata.

"Oh yeah?? Well," Ginny sniffled. "- well you were never my friend from the beginning anyway!! You'll regret this, Hinata. I bet you'll come crawling back to me, just like all the others!!" Hinata didn't seem phased at all, silence replacing the sound of Ginny's ugly crying.

"Awe, look. You made her cry, Hinata."

A familiar voice rang out towards Hinata.

"Tsukishima?... What are you..."

"What am I? What are you doing here. I thought you would've left by now."

An even more familiar voice that seemed to sing towards Hinata's direction. He took his hood off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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