Chapter 6-A Mission! But SOMEONE Ruins it!

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I groaned. "That's you second one this week! And today's Thursday!"

He shrugged. "Maybe next time."

"Sure......" Juro said, sounding as unconvinced as the rest of us were. He said the same thing yesterday too.

"Is it just me or is Itachi changing lately?" I wondered outloud as we walked to Ichiraku.

"Itachi's changing." Juro responded, seemingly annoyed.

That's what I feared.


"Nii-San! You're home!" Sasuke cheered.

'But from where?' I wondered.

Since Itachi hasn't really been home lately and his dad was always out on meetings and his mom was doing double shifts at work, I was watching Sasuke a lot lately. Not that I mimd though. He's so cute! I wish he was my brother!

"Since I'm always watching him, can I take him home? Just for a few days?"

I always ask him that. I'm pretty sure that if I ask enough that one day he'll finally say yes!

But, unlike the other times, he didn't seem very amused. "Thanks for watching him. You can go home now."

What? What was wrong with him today?!? We always hung out after I babysat Sasuke! It was his way of repaying me since I refused to receive money from him. I didn't like this. He really was changing.

Maybe he had a reason. Perhaps he just didn't want to tell me in front of of Sasuke!

"Itachi, can I talk to you privately?" I asked.

A frown formed on Sasuke's face. "But its dark! You guys cant leave me alone!"

I expected Itachi do smile the way he usually did around Sasuke and tell him to be brave but for some reason he didn't do that today. "It'll only take a few minutes."

So I guess that's his way of saying yes. Since Itachi didn't say anything to Sasuke I decided to. I motioned Sasuke over to us. With an eager look on his face, he rushed towards me.

Like I've seen Itachi do countless times, I poked his forehead, watching with slight amusement as he stumbled backward back in surprise and covered his slightly red forehead with hands. "Marty-Chan!"

I chuckled. Even though Sasuke acted like he hated it, I knew he secretly liked it. It was Itachi's only way of showing affection. "Be brave, Sasuke. I know you can do it."

He frowned but nodded, already moving to close to window shades and lock the door.

It was dead silent when we entered kitchen. I didn't say anything, knowing if Itachi had something to say he would say it now. You could hear a pin drop if you were in the room. Tension's a real pain in the ass.

Two minutes. Three minutes. Five minutes. I was running out of patience but resumed to sit down and wait for his answer. Right now his emotions were cautious and unsure.

"You know how the Sharingan allows the user to copy whatever jutsu he sees?" he suddenly asked.

I blinked at the randomness of the question. "Yeah."

A little bit more silence. "What if I told you there was a different kind of Sharingan?"

A different one? But I only knew of one. There only was one. "What do you mean?"

"What if there was a Sharingan that allowed the user to put the victim in a stronger Genjutsu? A Sharingan with the ability to make the victim feel as if they were going through days, months, YEARS, of torture in the matter of a few mere seconds?" There was a nefarious glint in his eye that made my stomach turn uneasily. I've known for nearly all my life but I've never seem this side of him.

Something told me that this wasn't just an idea. No, something told me that this was a real thing. I wish that something would shut up.

The emotions coming off of him shifted. He was no longer uneasy and nervous. No, now he was anxious and excited. Exactly what his tone was insinuating.

"That sounds horrible." I observed. What an evil power to possess! Who would want to inflict such pain on one person?

His eyes widened in surprise and then he closed them for a few seconds. "You're right."

"What's this kind of Sharingan called? Who has it? How could someone get it?" I asked.

He shook his head sharply. "It's nothing........Just an idea......"

I sensed that he was lying instantly. This was really bad. But wait.......could this be.......what happened before?

(FLASHBACK!!!!!!!) (3rd POV) (yah, it's 3rd POV usually 4 flashbacks!)

"I'm sure Itachi will have a band-aid or something in his room, Sasuke."

The reckless child had mistakenly cut himself with the kunai knife he was playing with. Typical Sasuke.

Unavoidable Affection (Naruto Fanfic) (Itachi Romance)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora