Chapter15-Camping trip PART 2

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"I guess I should kiss you now..." He said awkwardly. I expected a smirk on his lips, but he seemed serious. I looked into his eyes, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at my lips.

I nodded, not able to use my voice since it was practically gone at the moment. He started to lean in, his eyes switching from my lips to my eyes while I just stared at his eyes. My heart was beating rapidly.

I'm about to have my first kiss with Logan and in front of my classmates. This isn't how I pictured my first kiss, I've always wanted a romantic first kiss. I won't deny that the thought of kissing Logan excited me, but the thought of having my first kiss like upsets me.

Right when his lips were about to touch mine, my breath hitched and I stood up abruptly. I ran to where we had last left our bags that had our tent.

"JACKIE!" It was Logan. He was yelling after me but I didn't dare to turn around. I spotted our bags and fell on top of them.

That was far too close. Far, far, far, too close. What if I had kissed Logan? What would have happened? Oh my god, why didn't I want to kiss him but then I did? It's like my brain says 'Girl, stay away from that boy, he means trouble!' Kind of like what a mother would say, .and my heart and body say 'Shalalalalalala you better kiss the boy...' Like Sebastian sings in the Little Mermaid except here I'm a girl and that Sebastian sang that song to Eric.

I know what the movies and the books say. They say follow your heart. But isn't the brain your logical part? Isn't your brain where your common sense is? And shouldn't you always use common sense? I think so, although I have barely any common sense.

I feel so clique right now, it's either follow my heart or my brain. Why would I want to kiss Logan anyway? A month ago I could have killed him if I had the choice and if it wasn't illegal. Actually, if I am correct, a couple of hours ago I wanted to kill him multiple times.

"Jackie?" I jumped and my eyes snapped opened.

"Erm..." As soon as I looked up at the person, I wish I hadn't. It's Logan. He's so sexy, but so arrogant and such an asshole. I remember the first day we met, I thought he was a god, but then he spoke and he all of a sudden was an ass.

"What?" I snapped. I was mad that I didn't kiss him, and that wasn't his fault but I wanted to blame someone and he's the person I'm blaming.

"Why are you getting mad at me?! I was just following the rules to the game." He snapped right back. I shouldn't be mad at him but I don't care.

"Just go away." I said angrily. His expression went from frustrated to angry.

"You know what? I came here to see what the hell was wrong with you but you decide to be a bitch to me, so fuck you Jackie." He all but yelled. Who the hell does he think he is to be talking to me like that?

"No fuck you Logan for not understanding! I wish I had never met you! You make my life so much fucking harder than it already is!" I yelled right back.

"How the hell do I make your life harder? You're the hard headed one here Jackie so stop bitching about everything!" We were right in each others faces now, mad and yelling at each other.

"You make me feel different! I hate feeling different! Just get the hell out of my life so I can go back to feeling normal!" I yelled in his face, I think I even spit a little. Haha I am so gross.

"What is that suppose to mean? You're mad at me because you don't like the way I make you feel?! Why the h-" He paused then smirked. "How do I make you feel Jackie? Mmm?" He asked. There was a spark of humor in his eyes. You gotta be kidding me! He thinks I like him...I honestly don't know how I feel about him though.

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