Chapter 15- This Is It

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"Please don't stress love!  The last thing I want to happen is for you to have anxiety." He said.

"I know but our wedding is in a few days! I have to deal will all the final touches-"

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it... After all, I am one of your maid of honors."  Gianna said.

"Thank you!  You have now idea how much that means to me."

"Okay now since Gianna is taking care of things, please go and relax love.  I hate seeing you stressed." 

"No but I still have to call the venue and make sure they have the head count correct-"


"And don't get me started on the florists, they substituted the dragons breath with roses-"

"Michelle."  Tristan said.

"I'm sorry Tris, this has been... well stressing for me."  Michelle said.

"I understand my love, but as you have enough on your plate already.  Please go rest." 

"Okay."  She said as they kissed.  "Thank you."  Michelle said to all of us as she went into her room and went to bed.

Currently, Gianna, Brooklyn, and I were working on the final touches of the party favors for Tristan and Michelle's wedding tomorrow.

Only close family and friends are attending and it's only about 67 people coming.

"She's been OVERLY stressed recently,  I hope she's okay."  Brooklyn said to Tris.

"I know I've been trying to calm her down, but she's also been really sad."  Tristan said.  "Her dad said he can't make it. "

We all took a pause.

"What?"  Gianna said.

"You're kidding right?"  I said.

Michelle's dad was the closest thing she had to family. 

Michelle doesn't have siblings, or cousins.  Both her grandparents aren't in the picture.  She has no contact with her aunts and her mother-

Don't get me started.

"He said he couldn't make it.  Due to work.  If he doesn't go, he loses his job.  Loses his job, can't pay for the medical, no medical..."

"He'll get more sick."  I said, finishing Tristan's sentence. 

"Exactly."  He said. 

Michelle's dad has an illness.  His job is the reason why he's alive, paying off the bills and medicine.

"Then who's walking her down the aisle?"  Brookelyn asked him.

"Actually..." Tristan said as we were continuing on putting on the bows.

I was looking down as Tristan said my name.

"Yes?"  I asked.

"Michelle said she wants you to do it."  He said.  "You're the closest thing she does have to family... No offense to you guys."  He says to Gianna and Brookelyn.

Michelle and I have been through thick and thin.  Since we were so young. Raised like sisters. 

I have to, for her.

"Of course."  I told Tris. 

"Thank you!"  Tristan said.  "I tried so hard to convince her dad to come." 

"I know."  Brookelyn said.

"You know what they say, happy wife happy life."  I said.

"And that's what I intend to keep on doing."  Brad said as he came in the living room.

Now & Forever | Sequel to 2nd Chance | Bradley Will SimpsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora