Mercy takes a shaky step backwards, teeth grinding against one another. He feels the familiar tingle of his hands icing over, preparing for the worse. Merely staring at Antonio as David is jarring; it throws him off so effectively he doesn't see the attack coming until it's too late.

Antonio whips forward in flash, once again fisting his hands into Mercy's short, coal black hair as he slots David's lips against Mercy's, kiss demanding and far too intimate. Mercy goes to resist, to push against Antonio, but it's David's chest his fingers find themselves pressing into, David's flesh that meets his icy fingers with welcoming warmth. He feels Antonio's hand slide around his waist to his lower back, touch feather light as he traces the outline of Mercy spine upwards. He's so caught up in the moment, in the heat of lips that don't belong to Antonio that he almost gives in, almost allows it to just happen.

He jerks back suddenly, face red with anger and mortification. "No," he gets out, breath labored as he inhales sharply, gasping for air.

Antonio smirks, the expression disgustingly attractive on David's face. "Don't resist," he urges, hand a tight knot of fingers snared in Mercy's hair. "Isn't this what you want? To be wanted by him?" Antonio's hand skirts around the edge of Mercy's waistband. "I can give it to you, if you want. It would be ... mutually beneficial, you could say."

Mercy's ice cold hands are already tightly tangled in Antonio's tank top and thrumming with repressed power as his face contorts with repulsion. "You're nothing but scum," he spits, whisper carrying only derision.

"I'm quite aware," Antonio coos, hot breath ghosting over Mercy's raw and abused lips.

Mercy captures Antonio's gaze, looks directly into those empty, cold brown eyes that aren't his to imitate, and decides. He reacts swiftly, ice crystals shooting out from his nail beds, sharp and curved like talons. He slashes outwards, shredding Antonio's tank top and leaving behind an array of shallow, angry red scratches.

Antonio steps back with a hiss, hands automatically flying to his chest, further smearing the bloody mess Mercy has inflicted upon him. "So feisty," he muses with a dark chuckle. "I can appreciate that."

Mercy schools his expression, rights his posture, and glares furiously at Antonio. "Never touch me again."

"I'll take it under consideration," Antonio returns with the obvious intent to never consider his demand at all.

Mercy opens his mouth to sneer back in reply, when Bentley's stumbles into the hallway, hair a wild mess and eyes glazed over. "Oh, thank crap, Mercy! I've been looking for you ... uh," he pauses quizzically to stare at Antonio. "David? Uh, what the ... when you'd change clothes... and what the heck happened to your chest?!"

Taking advantage of Mercy's momentary lapse in concentration, Antonio darts forward, steals a hard, brutal kiss, and then rears back to discard him with a hard shove. "I'll be seeing you, Mercy," he promises playfully as he sashays away.

Bentley gapes, beer forgotten in his hand. "Woah ... were you just hate making out with David?"

His ice talons melt, leaving his hands moist and slightly chilled. "Not now, Bentley," Mercy says with a weary sigh.

"How were you hate making out with David?" Bentley continues, bewildered as he voices his thoughts aloud. "I just saw him."

"Bentley, please," Mercy tries, feeling sick while he curses Bentley's horrible timing.

"Man, I know I'm not that drunk," he says, laughing nervously. "Seriously, what's going on?"

"If I promise to explain everything later, will you shut up?"

Mercy [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now