Two Of Them

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This book cover reminds me of cotton candy <3

This story is named after by favorite song by Arctic Monkeys.

**& One more thing: THIS (personally) is probably the most real relationship John and Paul had. The most REAL scenario.**

Please Enjoy!

POV 1:

I've noticed.

I'm not quite sure if the others have noticed, and by the others, I mean the other Quarry Men.

But I have.

It was one of those things you didn't notice until you've noticed and when you have noticed, it was hard not to notice it.

You know what I mean.

All in all, I've notice. But never uttered a single word about it, I didn't want to be kicked out of John's little band, nor engage in some ridiculous quarrel. So I kept my mouth shut. I never spoke about it. Normally, it was something I would just ask the moment the thought came in my head. But something, just something made me not want to ask. I just didn't feel like bringing the topic up. I never stared at the two of them long enough for them to notice. I've simply occasionally glanced out of curiosity.

Because it was so fucking strange.

John Lennon was the most masculine bastard anyone has ever met. He was a tough bloke in general.

During our first gig I still remember standing there, a beer in my hand, when that kid walked in. To me, he was alright, a very talented guitar player, but maybe a little full of himself. That's it.

There's no denying those feminine things about him that made him oh so queer-ly. He always had his thumbnail in his girly-looking mouth. And his crossed his legs like a bird. I didn't judge so much. That was just the beginning but i truly didn't care.

I knew from the first time John and him met, they wouldn't get along too well. They seemed so opposite.

A little bit later, Paul was seated on a bench, playing a little tune. John was leaning over him and watching his hands.

Later, he was in the band, so I thought, John must've been impressed by his talent.

But then his personality, it was nearly like John's. So they did get along. Very well, in fact.

....too well.

Anyroad, in short, I've noticed.

POV 2:

I didn't think too much of it at all, until it was around August. The band was gathered around John's living room. We were all so desperately relieved John's aunt wasn't there. Those disapproving glares could nearly met your eyes off.

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