Tag 3

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•Up to 13 questions
•Tag 13 people
•Mandatory (you have to do it)
•You make up the next set of questions.

~Questions I got asked~

Have you ever been cheated on?
-Yes I have unfortunately.
Favorite color?
How many best friends?
Favorite Ship?
-Jeff x BEN (Creepypasta)
What do you want your nickname to be?
-J or Nikki or Fox
What is your favorite sport and why?
-Tennis, because I'm good at it.
What band/singer would you love to go to a concert of?
-Drake, Beyoncé, Jeremih, Kiiara, or BOTDF
Favorite anime ?
What dere are you?
Would you consider yourself annoying?
-Only when I want to be.
Favorite story on Wattpad?
-I don't really have one.
Best season?
What do you think of school?
-It's okay to me but boring sometimes.

~People I tag~


~My Questions to You~

-What is your favorite candy?
-Do you have a Senpai?
-Creepypasta or Anime?
-What country do you live in?
-What is your OTP?
-Who is your favorite author?
-What is your favorite fandom?
-Where is your favorite place to take pictures?
-Who is your favorite character? (Book,Movie, etc.)
-Pewdiecry or Phan?
-Taco Bell or Chick-fil-a ?
-Describe your best OC.
-What's your Instagram name?

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