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In the year 3430, you could say, aliens took over the world. However, boney green men that lived on other planets couldn't be called "aliens". In fact, they were not alien at all but instead natural animals that would help keep this futuristic world healthy. These "aliens" originally bred in a lab, by stuck-up scientists with goggles too large to balance on their pig noses. Most of these beasts did have a strange appearance, one would look at them and think "God must have been drunk when he made you". These beasts were formally trained to collect garbage usually by eating it, which caused them to have an even nastier look. Their overall job was to do jobs that no one wanted to do, in all honestly, humans did nothing. It was all robots and used game mechanics that took care of anything, humans didn't even walk anymore. They would sit back in comfort on a mobilizing, 2.0 version of a lazy boy chair.

No, soon after, robots and beasts shook hands. Both were fed up with kissing boney human fingers and washing stubby fat toes. In conclusion, they eventually held a rebellion. During this time, humans were often slaughtered, women, children, and elders of all races. With a sense of power, robots would often hang up human organs and skin for a show. The more skin, hair, or organs displayed, the higher class or rank a robot would be graded. While beasts, they preferred an elegant meal, dining with golden pallets and eating off the muscle from bone.

The few humans that managed to fight back, or at least had the upper hand in stamina when needing to run away gathered together. The world was in the hands of six people, who are now known for being the founders of a much peaceful society. At first, their goal for a living sanctuary for humans to live without harm started off with camping in an old building, where they later invited any other humans that were still living to come and stay. These people lived in an awful environment, open cables, and excess oil. They lived like this for a while, until a robot had reported signs of life where they were camping, where they build homes. Later that day, they destroyed their home, luckily, the humans that lived there managed to get away with only a few scratches.

Our six founders grew closer together, determined to save the world, or at least find somewhere safe humans can live. While out, in a search party, looking for food, they came across a robot, that begged for mercy and promised he would not hurt any humans. Apparently, the transmitter to alarm a revolution didn't go off in this robot, instead, he only watched as humans were murdered and eaten, alive sometimes too. This robot's name was Xis, Xis was a robot made to construct buildings and make them safe. This gave the founders an idea if they could use this robot to collect proper materials, they could build their own home for humans.

Even after the death of two of our founders, the robot would go out, every day and return at night with a new stock of strong materials. It took the robot a total of 13 months to finally collect all the materials his needed, it took him 10 years to finally build the perfect base. Once Xis was finished putting up the last touches, there were only three founders still alive. There were other humans too, but they were all struggling together to breathe through the thick gasses of poison. What Xis built was a bullet-proof, robot-proof, beast-proof dome. Inside, Xis built over 400 homes, 200 farms, and one military supplied with weapons he had found and stolen from other robots.

Unfortunately, Xis built a dome not even he could enter, it was at the last moment when all of the human race looked outside the dome and bid their last goodbye to their robot friend. Humans began to get to work, farming fruits, vegetables and building water supplies from a nearby lake. After a while, humans were properly growing, being fed, and living out of danger. Currently, there are more than 15,000 homes, 800 farms, 300 water sources, and a very strong military. "And that is why the humans that live underneath this dome have pledged to never commit any crimes, under the laws made by our founders and our robot friend." A choppy voice reads, with much hesitation. His fingers twitch at his sides, his toothpick body rambling under the bored eyes of high schoolers.

"Mr. Anthoney, Caell is drawing!" a stuffy nose yell, "shut up, Elija!" a big-head boy struts his head out from the wallowing book he holds in his hand. "Caell, you're not allowed to say things like that, do you want me to call your mother?" Mr. Anthoey's voice still pausing with hesitation. The boy known as Caell tied his brows together, his dark eyes, still filled with the child's atmosphere, yet still alluring the sign he is not afraid if his mother finds out of his behavior. In fact, he is sure one of his mothers would applaud him for standing up for himself, yet the other one would scold him. A few children spit out a giggle, seeing as a high school student is glaring at a teacher who is struggling to keep eye contact. "Alright, I'll be calling your parents, and you will be sitting next to me on the bus ride back to school".

There is barely the chorus of "ooh," from students that are taken aback with the punishment this student is getting, it's not like calling home is that bad. It's the fact that he needs to sit nxt to Mr. Anthoney, gross, sticky, smelly, Mr. Anthoney. The man that smells of sour citrus yet his hair looks like soggy seaweed and moss balls. Not to mention, Mr. Anothoney is as bony as a skeleton. Caell mutters an unknown sound under his breath, crunching in his notebook in a bag of mashed papers and uncapped scented markers. A plump little girl bounces over to her angered classmate, her overly large glasses covering up her pretty brown eyes and cute nose. "I'm sorry you have to sit next to Mr. Anthoney", "yeah, sorry you have to sit next to him, Caelly" A voice follows after the girl's, this boy towering over Caell and the girl, actually, this boy is the tallest than anyone in their class.

Caell looks down at the plump girl, with a loose tie in her hair and cute pin of a bunny on her uniform vest, then looking up at the spider-legged boy. "I don't want to sit next to an old man, Kathy. Stop calling me 'Caelly', Austin." Kathy's mouth folds into a guilty smile, while Austin's toothy smirk is delivered. "Hey, make sure to show me those drawings of those beats- oh, we need to go now" Austin bends his scally back to properly look his friend in the eye, before spinning his square head to close circle of students wandering away with their skeleton teacher.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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