Meeting the family and shopping!!!

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After I got done packing I went down stairs and went to Bethany. "Hi Beth" I said she turned around "wait is that all you're stuff" she asked "yea" "ok you really need to go shopping girl"

When we got home Beth opened the door and we went inside "MOM DAD IN HOME!!!" "Hey Beth and who is this" "I'm Ariana and I am 14" "nice to meet you Ariana I'm you're new mom and he is you're new dad"

After they got to know me we went sopping. I swear we bought the store

When we got home me and Beth put everything that we bought up. My room was right beside Bethany's. "Hey Ariana here's you're new I Phone and cases you can have. Make sure you make a twitter and istagram!!!!" Beth said to me walking out of my room.

I made a twitter @ArianaMota and then a fan page for Ariana Grande that I can share with all my idols @FlawlessAri12 (that's my real twitter)

Bethany tweeted that I am now in the family and now I have 1000 followers on both accounts. When Harry tweeted I tweeted him saying '@HarryStyles hi Harry how was you're day?' I know he would never tweet back but hey tweet him anyways. I got off twitter went to Beth's room "Hey Beth" I say sitting on her bed "oh hey. What bring you here Ariana" "nothing"

then my phone goes off I have 2 twitter notifications I look at it 1 from Harry styles and the other from Ariana Grande

my eyes went wide "OH MY GOD" I screamed "What" Beth said "Harry Styles and Ariana grande followed me!!" "Oh my god cangrats girl!" i ran in my room next to Beth's and then I tweeted "Just got followed by @HarryStyles and @ArianaGrande!!!!" I got a lot of re-tweets and favorites and people asking me to follow them so I followed some people then I got some hate

Me and Beth decided to make a video together. After we were done with that it was 8:00 pm so we went to bed

I woke up to my alarm going off I got up took a shower put some clothes on and woke up Beth "Beth wake up" I said shaking her. "what" she said "I'm about to head to Starbucks wanna cone?" I asked "yes of course" she went and took a shower came back out ready to go.

We walked into Starbucks ordered our things and sat down at a table. After we were done we went back home.

When we got home mom and dad were not here so we started watching tv. "Beth do you ever wonder why Spongebob is always happy?" I asked "no. What kind of question is that?" "I don't know a random one" then we just laugh

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