Chapter 2

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Peter groaned with pain as the nurse finished treating his bruise. His lip was busted and his cheek was almost deformed.

The nurse exited the room and left Peter with Gwen. Gwen took hold of his hand and that took Peter by surprised "I'm sorry this happened to you" she said as Peter smiled "It wasn't your fault" he said "I'm the one who started this. If I hadn't talked to you, then Flash wouldn't have done this to you" Gwen sighed as Peter put his hand atop of hers "None of this is your fault" he gave her an encouraging smile "And besides, I was the one who talked to you first" he said as Gwen bit her bottom lip "I'm sorry again" Gwen said as Peter smiled and let go of her hand.

After that incident, Peter was so happy that Gwen finally recognized him and even held his hand. When he got home, his uncle and aunt was furious about his swollen face. He waved them off and went to his room.

He opened his computer and smiled at his wallpaper. Of course, it's Gwen, smiling with her teeth out. He took the picture when he was stalking her at their science building.

He was so in love with her that he wanted to take her away from Flash. What does she sees anyway with that bloke? He sighed as he remembered his camera.

He threw his camera on the trash, why?! He regretted it.

The camera was the only memory left of his father. Peter loved his father so much. Peter didn't get to meet his mom so he doesn't care about her. His father said that he left him while he was still young, what a mother she is.

Peter sighed as he did his homework.

Missy opened the shop and went inside "Good Evening Missy!" Edward, the shops' owner greeted her "Hey Mister Ed. Wanted this fix" she put the broken pieces on the desk as Edward put on his glasses and examined the broken pieces "Well, this Missy will cost a lot" he started as he picked up the lens "But for you, I'll give you a discount" Edward smiled "Thanks. How much is it?" Missy asked as Edward grabbed his calculator. He typed and looked at the price "Only 60 dollars for you" Missy's eyes widened "60 dollars?!" she whispered to herself "You could pay it every week if you like, staggered pay" Edward smiled with his tooth out as Missy nodded "I'll give you 10 dollars each day" she smiled as she handed Edward her 10 dollars.

"Okay, just give me a week to fix this okay?" Missy nodded as she said her goodbye and left the shop.

She reached her home, just a walking distance from school "Good evening dear, where have you been?" her father asked her "At Edwards"

"Oh what's broken?" her father asked as she bit her bottom lip, think fast! "Just my uhm –microscope! Yeah, the lens was broken" she nervously said as her father looked at her with confusion "O–kay. Have you eaten?"

"Yep. I'm tired, going to do homework and sleep" she kissed her father cheeks and went to her room.

She closed her door and looked at her not–broken microscope, she'd lied to her father. And of course, if she'll tell the truth, her father would ask her many questions. It is better that he doesn't know.

She changed into her PJ's and grabbed her savings box, she counted it and frowned "40 dollars short" she put back her money at her savings box and lied down to bed "Where will I get 40 dollars?" she asked herself as she closed her eyes and slowly, drifted off to sleep.

Another day at Warren High and another day of hell for Peter. His face was already back to normal, thanks to the antibiotics cream that his aunt gave him. He opened his locker and stuff his things inside. When he closed it, he almost jumped seeing Gwen "Gw–Gwen!" he almost shouted. Gwen chuckled "Good morning" she smiled with her white teeth out "What –what are you doing here?" he asked "Going to classes with you" Peter was shocked "With –with me?" he asked again as Gwen nodded.

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